Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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B10406SCHULMANN ET AL.: RHEOLOGY OF PARTIALLY MOLTEN GNEISSESB10406Figure 9. (a) Grain size statistics for the studied samples presented in box-<strong>and</strong>-whiskers diagrams.Horizontal axis corresponds to the ferret diameter <strong>of</strong> grain size in micrometers, <strong>and</strong> the thick barrepresents the median <strong>of</strong> grain size distribution. Vertical axis shows samples arranged according to thedegree <strong>of</strong> deformation from least deformed S1 to most intensely deformed sample V1. B2 represents anexceptionally coarse-grained mylonitic b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneiss. For each sample the plagioclase grain sizestatistics for interstitial phases (I = Pl2 grains), <strong>and</strong> for recrystallized grains forming aggregates (A = Pl1grains) are shown. The number <strong>of</strong> grains is indicated. Grain size distributions <strong>of</strong> isolated quartz in thematrix <strong>and</strong> quartz grains forming centimetric ribbons or augen are also differentiated. This diagram showsprogressive coarsening <strong>of</strong> both Pl1 (aggregate) <strong>and</strong> Pl2 (interstitial) grains. (b) Plot <strong>of</strong> crystal sizedistribution (CSD) for plagioclases (I = Pl2 interstitial grain, A = Pl1 recrystallized grains in aggregates).N 0 ln(mm 4 ) values on vertical axis represent density <strong>of</strong> grains per volume, <strong>and</strong> dimensionless Gt valuesreflect the grain size frequency distribution. This diagrams show decrease <strong>of</strong> N 0 values <strong>and</strong> increase <strong>of</strong> Gtvalues which in classical CSD plots represent decreasing values <strong>of</strong> the intercept <strong>of</strong> the CSD curve withvertical axis associated with decreasing slope [Higgins, 1998]. In the CSD theory this evolution meansdecreasing nucleation rate <strong>and</strong> increasing growth rate contribution to the shape <strong>of</strong> the grain size frequencyhistogram [Lexa et al., 2005].contacts <strong>of</strong> the two major minerals against each other [e.g.,McLellan, 1983]. Lexa et al. [2005] proposed a newdiagram where the c valuec ¼ Observed pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiExpectedExpectedis plotted against the ratio <strong>of</strong> orientation tensor eigenvaluesthat represent the degree <strong>of</strong> GBPO. If the solidified melt isidentified in a rock the GBPO may yield information aboutthe types <strong>of</strong> channel networks as defined by Sawyer [2001]<strong>and</strong> quantified by Hasalová etal.[2008] <strong>and</strong> Závada et al.[2007].[25] In this work we use a method proposed by Lexa et al.[2005] where the grain contact frequencies are used toassess the character <strong>of</strong> the spatial distributions <strong>of</strong> grainboundaries. Figure 11a shows that the plagioclase like-likecontacts for the Type I metagranite plots in an intermediatepart <strong>of</strong> the diagram <strong>and</strong> is characterized by a rather smallaggregate distribution. This is due to the presence <strong>of</strong> the twoplagioclase populations resulting from the recrystallization<strong>of</strong> the large plagioclase crystals (high aggregate distribution)<strong>and</strong> from the disintegration <strong>of</strong> the large alkalinefeldspar crystals into a mixture <strong>of</strong> albite <strong>and</strong> K-feldspar(Figure 4). With increasing deformation a clear evolution <strong>of</strong>the grain contact frequency toward strongly aggregateddistribution for weakly deformed samples <strong>of</strong> the Type IImicrostructure can be observed. This is probably due to thecoalescence <strong>of</strong> feldspar <strong>and</strong> plagioclase layers. At very highstrain intensities the plagioclase grain contact frequenciesevolve toward the r<strong>and</strong>om or regular types <strong>of</strong> distribution inType III microstructure. This type <strong>of</strong> evolution indicates analmost perfect mixing <strong>of</strong> the plagioclase with other mineralphases. The degree <strong>of</strong> GBPO <strong>of</strong> the like-like boundaries forplagioclase does not evolve with the above described trendbut remains rather constant for any degree <strong>of</strong> the finitestrain. The K-feldspar grain contact frequency shows asimilar behavior to the plagioclase but for some samples arather strong GBPO coupled with a decreasing grain contactfrequency was observed. The evolution <strong>of</strong> the unlikeplagioclase-K-feldspar grain boundaries exactly mirrorsthe evolution <strong>of</strong> the plagioclase like-like contact frequencybehavior (Figure 11b). For the observed constant grain sizeit is a geometrical necessity that an increase <strong>of</strong> the like-likecontacts causes a corresponding decrease <strong>of</strong> the unlikecontacts <strong>of</strong> feldspars.6. Crystallographic Preferred Orientation[26] The lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) <strong>of</strong> quartz,plagioclase <strong>and</strong> K-feldspar was determined using the electronbackscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique [Bascou et9<strong>of</strong>20303

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