Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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98 O. LEXA ET AL.<strong>of</strong> momentum (Eqn A.1) <strong>and</strong> energy (Eqn A.3), subjectto an incompressibility constraint (Eqn A.2) known asthe Boussinesq approximation (Hansen & Yuen, 2000):@r ij¼ @P qg i ; ðA:1Þ@x i @x i@v i@x i¼ 0;@T@t þ v @Ti ¼ 1 @ @TjqC p þ A ;@x i qC p @x i @x i qC pðA:2ÞðA:3Þwhere x denotes the coordinates in m, v velocity inms )1 , t time in s; r ij is stress tensor, P is pressure in Pa,g is gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s )2 ), T is temperaturein K, j denotes thermal diffusivity <strong>and</strong> C pdenotes the specific heat capacity. The constitutiverelationship between stress <strong>and</strong> strain is governed bythe transport coefficient g representing viscosity:r ij ¼ 2g_e ij ;ðA:4Þwhere _e ij is the strain-rate tensor in s )1 . For the purpose<strong>of</strong> this work, we used a simplified flow law withonly temperature-dependent viscosity according to thesimple exponential equation:g ¼ C 1 e C 2ð T Þ ;ðA:5Þwhere C 1 <strong>and</strong> C 2 are coefficients used to calculateeffective viscosity from prescribed range (see Table 2).Density q is given by equation <strong>of</strong> state:q ¼ q 0 ½1 aðT T 0 ÞŠ; ðA:6Þwhere a is the coefficient <strong>of</strong> thermal expansion <strong>and</strong> q 0is the reference density at reference temperature T 0 .Thermal diffusivity j <strong>and</strong> specific heat capacity C p arerecalculated according to temperature using the followingequations (Whittington et al., 2009):j ¼ 3:19 10 7 þ 1:214 10 6 eð 273:15285:2T Þ ; ðA:7Þ3:224 10 5 2:714 107C p ¼ 1538:39þTT 2 ; ðA:8Þderived from laser-flash analysis to provide realisticvalues for geologically relevant temperatures. Theseequations are solved for temperature <strong>and</strong> velocity <strong>and</strong>describe the fundamental physics required for <strong>modelling</strong>the thermal evolution during crustal diapirism.Calculation methods used for thermodynamic <strong>modelling</strong>The pseudosections were calculated using THERMOCALC3.30 (Powell et al., 1998) <strong>and</strong> the data set 5.5 (Holl<strong>and</strong>& Powell, 1998; November 2003 upgrade), in the systemNa 2 O–CaO–K 2 O–FeO–MgO–Al 2 O 3 –SiO 2 –H 2 O–TiO 2 –O (NCKFMASHTO) with the biotite <strong>and</strong> meltmodels from White et al. (2007), garnet from Dieneret al. (2008), ilmenite from White et al. (2000), feldsparfrom Holl<strong>and</strong> & Powell (2003), white mica fromCoggon & Holl<strong>and</strong> (2002) <strong>and</strong> cordierite fromTHERMOCALC documentation (Powell & Holl<strong>and</strong>, 2004).The analysed rock composition <strong>of</strong> sample H296 (inwt% SiO 2 =71.98, TiO 2 =0.42, Al 2 O 3 =13.53,FeO=2.1, MnO=0.03, MgO=0.73, CaO=1.93,Na 2 O=2.76, K 2 O=4.01, P 2 O 5 =0.15, H 2 O ) =0.22,H 2 O + =0.56, CO 2 =0.03), was modified for <strong>modelling</strong>by adding 1 mol.% <strong>of</strong> kyanite to enable a smallamount <strong>of</strong> aluminosilicate to be stable at the estimatedpeak metamorphic conditions, as is observed in thinsection.The reconstruction <strong>of</strong> a biotite–muscovite graniteprotolith requires several steps. It involves determination<strong>of</strong> the H 2 O content in the final assemblage, consideration<strong>of</strong> open-system behaviour with respect tomelt, <strong>and</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> the whole-rock compositionby adding melt (White & Powell, 2002; White et al.,2004; Sˇtı´pska´ et al., 2008). Tracking <strong>of</strong> the P–T path istherefore undertaken backwards in time, from thematrix assemblage to the early prograde evolution <strong>and</strong>to the protolith mineralogical composition. Theamount <strong>of</strong> H 2 O for the <strong>modelling</strong> shown in Fig. 12a isset such that it allows the stability <strong>of</strong> the observedmatrix assemblage with garnet rim chemistry oncooling (not shown; see Franeˇk et al., 2011b; seeHasalova´ et al., 2008b for the approach followed). Asthe whole-rock composition is expected to changealong the P–T path as a result <strong>of</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> melt, it has tobe decided from which point on the P–T path the meltcomposition will be taken. Crossing the upper stability<strong>of</strong> muscovite causes an abrupt increase in melt proportion<strong>and</strong> is considered a likely condition for meltloss (White & Powell, 2002; White et al., 2004);therefore, melt composition reintegrated was undertakenat 16 kbar <strong>and</strong> 860 °C.REFERENCESAckerman, L., Jelínek, E., Medaris, G., Jezˇek, J., Siebel, W. &Strnad, L., 2009. Geochemistry <strong>of</strong> Fe-rich peridotites <strong>and</strong>associated pyroxenites from Horní Bory, Bohemian Massif:insights into subduction-related melt-rock reactions. ChemicalGeology, 259, 152–167.Aftalion, M., Bowes, D. & Vrána, S., 1989. Early CarboniferousU-Pb zircon age for garnetiferous, perpotassic granulites,Blansky´ les massif, Czechoslovakia. 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