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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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DTD 5ARTICLE IN PRESS22L. Baratoux et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology xx (xxxx) 1–24isogon patterns (Fig. 12) we propose an explanation <strong>of</strong>alternations <strong>of</strong> hinge zones thickened by this mechanism <strong>of</strong>micr<strong>of</strong>olding with those without any thickening <strong>and</strong> distinctmicro<strong>structural</strong> changes.The staurolite grade region. In the limbs <strong>of</strong> foldsgenerated in the staurolite zone, the pre-folding fabric ismarked by fairly well developed, alternating elongateaggregates <strong>of</strong> plagioclase <strong>and</strong> amphibole. The intensity <strong>of</strong>mineral preferred orientation is very strong, as documentedby the high aspect ratio <strong>and</strong> strong GBPO <strong>and</strong> SPO values.Inspection <strong>of</strong> the fabric in thin sections (Fig. 3c <strong>and</strong> d)suggests that this structure approximates to the so-called‘interconnected weak layer structure’ (IWL <strong>of</strong> H<strong>and</strong>y(1990)) characterized by an alternation <strong>of</strong> relatively strongamphibole rich domains <strong>and</strong> relatively weak domains rich inplagioclase. Because the alternating domains differ only insmall modal differences in amphiboles <strong>and</strong> plagioclase thisstructure represents an IWL structure with a low viscositycontrast as defined by H<strong>and</strong>y (1994). Such a systempossesses the geometrical characteristics <strong>of</strong> a bilaminatewith diffuse boundaries between the layers. In the hingezones the micr<strong>of</strong>abric shows areas <strong>of</strong> distributed deformation.During fold development these zones <strong>of</strong> distributeddeformation (granular flow in the hinge zones) wouldcontribute to strain s<strong>of</strong>tening in this region leading tocontinuous amplification <strong>of</strong> the folds. We note that even ifthe deformation <strong>of</strong> the amphiboles is by brittle failure, itresults in distributed ductile flow in the highly deformedhinges. Unlike the folds in the garnet zone where probablyno slip on the limbs occurred, in the staurolite zone the slipis distributed through the relatively weak plagioclase richzones increasing the tendency for active amplification <strong>of</strong> thefold. In addition, on the limbs, because <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong>relatively weak ‘layers’, fold amplification can be furtherassisted by flattening. This is well documented by the dipisogons pattern <strong>and</strong> the b 1 vs. F graph <strong>of</strong> Fig. 12.The sillimanite grade zone. In the sillimanite zone theamphibole <strong>and</strong> plagioclase show a relatively high aspectratio connected with a low degree <strong>of</strong> GBPO <strong>of</strong> like–like <strong>and</strong>unlike boundaries. In this zone, unlike the staurolite zonewhere the plagioclase was interconnected, isolated elongategrains or aggregates <strong>of</strong> plagioclase surrounded by highlyelongate <strong>and</strong> well-oriented crystals <strong>of</strong> amphibole occur(Figs. 3e <strong>and</strong> f <strong>and</strong> 8). This structure <strong>and</strong> the flattening <strong>of</strong>both minerals can be interpreted in terms <strong>of</strong> a stresssupportingnetwork with a low viscosity contrast betweenweaker plagioclase <strong>and</strong> stronger amphibole (H<strong>and</strong>y, 1990).Thus, in the sillimanite zone, it was the strength <strong>of</strong> ‘weaker’plagioclase that dominated the rheological properties <strong>of</strong> thesystem, which therefore acted as a relatively weak,homogeneous material.In contrast to the garnet zone, where buckling wascontrolled by localized micr<strong>of</strong>olding <strong>and</strong> to the staurolitezone where it was controlled by ductile shearing alongweak, plagioclase rich zones, no such zones <strong>of</strong> weakness,which facilitate the active amplification <strong>of</strong> the folds, areobserved in the sillimanite zone. Instead the fold shapeanalysis shows an importance <strong>of</strong> post-buckle flattening overactive fold amplification. The micro <strong>structural</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong>both the limb <strong>and</strong> hinge areas shows features consistent withhomogeneous flattening (i.e. higher aspect ratio <strong>and</strong> smallergrain size in the hinge domains than in the limbs) anobservation entirely consistent with passive amplification <strong>of</strong>a material with a low mechanical anisotropy.The contact metamorphic aureole. The deformation inthe contact aureole (Figs. 3g <strong>and</strong> h <strong>and</strong> 8) is an extremeexample <strong>of</strong> flattening dominated deformation as shown bydifferences in grain size <strong>and</strong> grain shapes in the hinge <strong>and</strong>limb areas. The lack <strong>of</strong> macroscopic folds in theamphibolites within the aureole is taken as further evidencethat the amplification was almost entirely passive.AcknowledgementsThe project was funded by grants <strong>of</strong> Czech NationalGrant Agency No. 42-201-204 to K.S. <strong>and</strong> 42-201-318 to P.Štípská, by Czech Geological Service assignment No. 6327to P. Mixa, <strong>and</strong> by a Ph.D. financial support attributed by theFrench Government to L.B. We thank R. Vernon <strong>and</strong> D.Grujic for constructive reviews <strong>and</strong> J. Hippertt for editorialhelp.Appendix AA polar graph aimed to represent the variation <strong>of</strong>orthogonal thickness t around folded layers was first utilizedby Lisle (1997). A fold can be represented by a series <strong>of</strong>points with polar coordinates (1/t 0 , a), where 1/t 0 is thereciprocal normalized thickness (t 0 Zt/t h , where t h is theextreme value <strong>of</strong> t, which is generally situated in the foldhinge), <strong>and</strong> a is the orientation <strong>of</strong> the layer tangent. Usingthis technique, Ramsay’s (1967) fold types give rise tovarious conic sections (ellipses, hyperbolas) in the polargraph with horizontal semiaxis equal to unity (see Lisle,1997).Flattening index F, or axial ratio <strong>of</strong> strain ellipse, expressthe amount <strong>of</strong> post-buckle flattening superimposed on theparallel fold. We used a <strong>numerical</strong>ly stable direct leastsquaremethod (Halír` <strong>and</strong> Flusser, 1998) to fit either ellipsesor hyperbolas onto points in a polar graph <strong>of</strong> normalizedthickness. This technique <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> the flatteningindex F poses a robust estimate <strong>and</strong> is preferred in this work.The method <strong>of</strong> analysing fold shapes in terms <strong>of</strong> theharmonic coefficients <strong>of</strong> a Fourier series was originallydevised by Stabler (1968) <strong>and</strong> subsequently elaborated byHudleston (1973).The most basic <strong>and</strong> suitable segment <strong>of</strong> a folded surfacefor analysis is a ‘quarter-wavelength’ unit between adjacenthinge <strong>and</strong> inflexion points. Such a choice <strong>of</strong> unit leads to aharmonic series consisting only <strong>of</strong> the odd terms <strong>of</strong> a sine130

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