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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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B10210ZÁVADA ET AL.: EXTREME DUCTILITY OF FELDSPAR AGGREGATESB10210Figure 11. Stereographic projection <strong>of</strong> CPO data <strong>and</strong> fracture poles <strong>of</strong> 100 fractured grains. X <strong>and</strong> Zdesignate direction <strong>of</strong> lineation <strong>and</strong> pole to the foliation, respectively. Symbols in the center projectiondesignate the misorientation angle <strong>of</strong> (001) planes with respect to the corresponding fracture pole (right).Lower hemisphere, equal-area projection, contoured at multiples <strong>of</strong> uniform distribution.[24] The rocks studied are represented by b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneissesconsisting <strong>of</strong> K-feldspar (Kfs) (39%), plagioclase(Pl) (25%), quartz (Qtz) (26%), biotite (Bt), <strong>and</strong> muscovite(Ms) (9%) <strong>and</strong> minor garnet (Grt) (1%). P-T pseudosectionfor this rock was calculated with the Perple_X s<strong>of</strong>tware set[Connolly, 1990; Connolly <strong>and</strong> Petrini, 2002] using phaseend-members thermodynamic data by Holl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Powell[1998]. Mixing properties <strong>of</strong> phases used for the calculationwere taken from Berman [1990] for garnet, Newton et al.[1980] for plagioclase, Thompson <strong>and</strong> Hovis [1979] for K-feldspar, Powell <strong>and</strong> Holl<strong>and</strong> [1999] for biotite <strong>and</strong> clinopyroxene,<strong>and</strong> White et al. [2001] for melt.[25] The obtained pseudosection calculated inNCKFMASH system with composition taken from thewhole rock analysis <strong>of</strong> a typical b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneiss (sampleB13) is shown in Figure 13a. Stable mineral assemblageKfs-Pl-Qtz-Ms-Bt-Grt-melt, <strong>and</strong> composition <strong>of</strong> coexistingFe-Mg phases suggest that the highest metamorphic temperaturesassociated with melting are 700°C at a pressure <strong>of</strong>9.5 kbar. Calculated isopleths <strong>of</strong> the melt mode indicatethat for the given melt model <strong>and</strong> estimated P-T conditions,the rock contained 2–4 vol % <strong>of</strong> the melt phase(Figure 13a) at its metamorphic peak. This is, however, aminimum estimate, because the chosen system compositiondoes not take into account the amount <strong>of</strong> water releasedduring melt crystallization. The model <strong>of</strong> White et al. [2001]anticipates that the melt does not contain any CaO componentat the estimated PT conditions, which is in goodagreement with albitic composition <strong>of</strong> plagioclase crystallizedfrom the interstitial melt in the rock. Generalizedreaction leading to melt production in the stability field <strong>of</strong>assemblage Kfs-Pl-Qtz-Ms-Bt-Grt-melt can be derived fromthe changes in modal proportions <strong>of</strong> phases in the stabilityfield <strong>of</strong> interest (Figure 13b). Such changes suggest that theincrease in melt content is associated with the crystallization<strong>of</strong> garnet as a result <strong>of</strong> the reaction: Bt + Ms + Pl + Qtz = Grt +Kfs + melt.[26] The inferred melt-producing reaction correspondswell with the distribution <strong>of</strong> mineral phases in the rockmicrostructure. Small garnet grains (50 mm) form clusters onboundaries between plagioclase b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> mica aggregatesin the vicinity <strong>of</strong> quartz grains (Figure 14). Agreement <strong>of</strong>modeled melt composition with that encountered in intergranularvoids <strong>of</strong> K-feldspar indicates that the melt migratedonly in between adjacent feldspar aggregates. Therefore wecan exclude melt loss or melt infiltration from externalsources, which would produce different reaction textures<strong>and</strong> could result in crystallization <strong>of</strong> interstitial plagioclasewith different composition.7. Deformation Mechanisms[27] Micro<strong>structural</strong> features in quartz observed in samples<strong>of</strong> all strain intensities reveal migrated grain boundaries<strong>and</strong> large grain size that increases even more during thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> type 3 microstructure. Microstructures <strong>and</strong>CPO patterns <strong>of</strong> quartz in type 2 <strong>and</strong> 3 samples show clearactivity <strong>of</strong> grain boundary migration (GBM) accommodateddislocation creep mechanism [Jessell, 1987; Hirth <strong>and</strong>Tullis, 1992] <strong>and</strong> CPO patterns correspond to the shapes<strong>of</strong> deformation inferred from the strain analysis.[28] Micro<strong>structural</strong> data show isometric shapes <strong>of</strong> polygonalfeldspar grains, absence <strong>of</strong> shape preferred orientation<strong>and</strong> weak or no CPO for both feldspars in type 2sample. These micro<strong>structural</strong> features <strong>and</strong> high finite strainintensities attained are indicative for grain boundary diffusionaccommodated grain boundary sliding (D gb -GBS) inboth feldspars [Poirier, 1985; Wadsworth et al., 1999].Although large grain size (K-feldspar 300 mm <strong>and</strong> plagioclase200 mm) is not characteristic for such deformationmechanism at experimental strain rates [Tullis <strong>and</strong> Yund,Figure 12. Statistics <strong>of</strong> angles between poles to (001)planes <strong>and</strong> corresponding fractures crosscutting the grainsrepresented by frequency histogram <strong>and</strong> a doughnutdiagram. Colors in the doughnut diagram represent thethree groups <strong>of</strong> grains as depicted in the histogram.9<strong>of</strong>15287

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