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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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ORIGIN OF FELSIC MIGMATITES 47production <strong>of</strong> coarse-grained felsic mineral aggregatesresulting from increase in temperature (e.g. Dougan,1983; McLellan, 1983). This process is commonly followedby textural coarsening (Ashworth & McLellan,1985; Dallain et al., 1999; Berger & Roselle, 2001)explained by two competing approaches: the Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner (LSW) model (Lifshitz & Slyozov,1961), <strong>and</strong> the communicating neighbour theory (CN<strong>of</strong> DeH<strong>of</strong>f, 1991). Higgins (1998) showed that texturalcoarsening results in progressive decrease in N 0 value<strong>and</strong> decrease in the slope <strong>of</strong> the CSD curve; he interpretedthis trend as a result <strong>of</strong> rapid undercoolingduring solidification <strong>of</strong> magma followed by reducedundercooling, suppression <strong>of</strong> nucleation <strong>and</strong> texturalcoarsening. However, our textural sequence exhibitsthe opposite trend in evolution <strong>of</strong> CSD curves, which isinterpreted as indicating that in situ partial melting <strong>and</strong>textural coarsening are not responsible for the origin <strong>of</strong>observed CSDs.The observed CSD trend may be explained by one <strong>of</strong>three different mechanisms: (1) solid-state deformationunder decreasing temperature <strong>and</strong> or increasing strainrate (Hickey & Bell, 1996; Azpiroz & Ferna´ndez, 2003;Lexa et al., 2005); (2) a different degree <strong>of</strong> reactionoverstepping (Waters & Lovegrove, 2002; Moazzen &Modjarrad, 2005); <strong>and</strong> (3) a different degree <strong>of</strong> undercooling(Marsh, 1988).The grain size for dynamically recrystallized grainsin a power-law creep regime is a function <strong>of</strong> differentialstress (Twiss, 1977). Such grains are characterized bystrong shape <strong>and</strong> LPO <strong>and</strong> commonly solid-state differentiation(Baratoux et al., 2005; Lexa et al., 2005).However, this micro<strong>structural</strong> study does not revealany features in quartz, plagioclase <strong>and</strong> K-feldspar <strong>of</strong>rock types II, III <strong>and</strong> IV which may indicate a dynamicrecrystallization processes operating under decreasingtemperature. Differences in the degree <strong>of</strong> reactionoverstepping have been documented in contact aureoles,but may be rejected in this case due to theregional nature <strong>of</strong> the metamorphism. However, therole <strong>of</strong> different degrees <strong>of</strong> undercooling relating to anoverall decrease in equilibration temperature cannot beexcluded.Our data indicate that the sequence <strong>of</strong> rock typesreflects the progressive resorption <strong>of</strong> residual grains<strong>and</strong> crystallization <strong>of</strong> new grains from melt in intergranularspaces. Moreover, the trend <strong>of</strong> CSD curvessuggest a progressive increase in nucleation rate <strong>and</strong>decrease in growth rate from type I orthogneiss totype IV nebulitic migmatite. This trend could beexplained by an increase in undercooling consistentwith the decreasing equilibration temperature wereport.The CSD trend is compatible with crystallization <strong>of</strong>melt in a progressively exhuming <strong>and</strong> rapidly coolingsystem. This is in accordance with exceptionally highcooling rates up to several hundred degrees celsius permillion years estimated for nearby granulites byTajcˇmanova´ et al. (2006).Interpretation <strong>of</strong> spatial distributions <strong>of</strong> phasesThe quantitative analysis <strong>of</strong> spatial distributions <strong>of</strong>individual phases shows that the intensification <strong>of</strong>regular distribution (increasing amount <strong>of</strong> unlikecontacts; Fig. 9) correlates with an increasing degree <strong>of</strong>host rock–melt equilibration. The process <strong>of</strong> meltcrystallization leads to new mineral growth on thesurfaces <strong>of</strong> residual grains. This is responsible for theincrease in unlike grain boundaries, which commonlyretain melt–solid geometries. Our case study showsthat the development <strong>of</strong> a regular distribution <strong>of</strong> felsicphases is not related to solid-state annealing, as supposedby some authors (Flinn, 1969; McLellan, 1983;Lexa et al., 2005), but to the process <strong>of</strong> crystallization<strong>of</strong> melt, consistent with precipitation <strong>of</strong> the minorphase on triple points in granular polygonal aggregatesto achieve lower total interfacial energy (Spry, 1969;Vernon, 1974). This process was documented by Dallainet al. (1999), who showed that the predominance<strong>of</strong> unlike contacts in polycrystalline aggregates originatedthrough wetting <strong>of</strong> grain boundaries by fluids ormelt, <strong>and</strong> subsequent precipitation <strong>of</strong> other phases onlike–like contacts. However, we cannot exclude thepossibility that a regular distribution reported fromgranulites <strong>and</strong> high-grade gneisses (Flinn, 1969; Kretz,1994) results from solid-state annealing <strong>of</strong> rocks wheremelt crystallized. Therefore, the regular distributiondeveloped during melt crystallization may be inherited<strong>and</strong> perhaps further accentuated during later thermal<strong>and</strong> textural re-equilibration.Origin <strong>of</strong> micro<strong>structural</strong> <strong>and</strong> compositional trendsThe sequence from type I orthogneiss to type IVmigmatite exhibit continuous trends in all quantitativeparameters (Table 1). The grain size decreases(Fig. 7a) <strong>and</strong> there is a progressive development <strong>of</strong> aregular distribution <strong>of</strong> all felsic phases (Fig. 9), whichis linked with mineral compositional trends indicatingtemperature decrease. These clear evolutionary trendsare incompatible with a process <strong>of</strong> partial melting <strong>of</strong>different protoliths. Partial melting <strong>of</strong> the same protolithmay develop continuous trends, but these shouldshow increase in grain size <strong>of</strong> individual felsic phases(Dallain et al., 1999) <strong>and</strong> different mineral compositionalevolution (e.g. Gardien et al., 1995; Greenfieldet al., 1998). Additionally, we show that the degree <strong>of</strong>regular distribution for K-feldspar- <strong>and</strong> plagioclasedominatedaggregates evolves in the same mannerthroughout the micro<strong>structural</strong> sequence (Fig. 9).However, Dallain et al. (1999) reported significantlymore advanced regular distribution <strong>of</strong> plagioclasecomparedwith K-feldspar-rich aggregates in themicro<strong>structural</strong> sequence originated by partial melting.These authors proposed that this micro<strong>structural</strong>contrast originated due to melting process preferentiallyoperating in mica–plagioclase rich aggregates,whereas the K-feldspar-rich aggregates were moreÓ 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd333

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