Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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B10210ZÁVADA ET AL.: EXTREME DUCTILITY OF FELDSPAR AGGREGATESB10210Figure 17. PT plot with contours <strong>of</strong> molar volume in Jbar 1 (equivalent to 10 1 cm 1 mol1 ) calculated for thesame system as shown in Figure 13. Mineral abbreviationsare after Kretz [1983].which soaks up the melt produced within plagioclase b<strong>and</strong>s(the melt is passively redistributed, Figure 15). Consequently,plagioclase could not deform any further due to the loss <strong>of</strong>intergranular melt that worked as a creep enhancing medium.[35] It has been shown that creation <strong>of</strong> melt-bearingporosity can be induced by fast melt production due tobreakdown <strong>of</strong> some hydrous phase in the rock (e.g., viadiscontinuous reaction) or due to high heating rate causingsubstantial overstepping <strong>of</strong> continuous melting reactions<strong>and</strong> thus fast melt production as a result <strong>of</strong> the system’seffort to reach equilibrium state [e.g., Connolly et al., 1997;Rushmer, 2001]. In contrast, change in molar volume <strong>of</strong> therock during slow progress <strong>of</strong> continuous reactions will beprobably small.[36] In order to test this hypothesis, the P-T phasediagram section in Figure 13a was contoured for molarvolume <strong>of</strong> the system to see, whether the observed meltingreaction at estimated PT conditions may lead to rapidvolume increase. The result (Figure 17) shows that the onlyrapid increase in molar volume <strong>of</strong> the rock in given PTrange results from dehydration melting <strong>of</strong> muscovite at PTconditions higher than those reached by studied orthogneisssamples. In addition, the role <strong>of</strong> melt volume change <strong>and</strong>velocity <strong>of</strong> the reaction is speculative for aggregates with‘‘incoherent’’ grain boundaries like both feldspars undergoingGBS in studied orthogneiss than rather ‘‘intact’’ solidphases around reaction sites in the experiments <strong>of</strong> Connollyet al. [1997].[37] The calculated volume <strong>of</strong> melt (2–4 vol %) suggeststhat the melt formed isolated melt films, pools or pockets. Inthe case <strong>of</strong> ‘‘overpressure’’ model, sufficient amount <strong>of</strong> meltneeds to be produced to induce considerable melt overpressure<strong>and</strong> melt redistribution. This critical melt volumecorresponds to creation <strong>of</strong> interconnected network <strong>of</strong> meltbetween the framework <strong>of</strong> grains, so that the melt can startincreasing its hydrostatic pressure toward the level <strong>of</strong>maximum compressive stress [Renner et al., 2000]. Thismelt volume is given by the melt connectivity transition(MCT) <strong>of</strong> F =0.07[Rosenberg <strong>and</strong> H<strong>and</strong>y, 2005] or similar‘‘liquid percolation threshold’’ (LPT) <strong>of</strong> F =0.08[Vigneresseet al., 1996], although this critical level is likely to depend onseveral variables (e.g., dihedral angles). It is possible that themelt migrates from locally overpressured isolated pockets athigh angle to the maximum compressive stress (s 1 )tointergranular boundaries subparallel with this direction(s 1 ). However, it is unlikely that the cohesion <strong>of</strong> grainboundaries <strong>and</strong> tensile strength <strong>of</strong> (001) intragranular cleavage<strong>of</strong> K-feldspar are significantly smaller than intergranularcohesion <strong>of</strong> plagioclase, which would be necessary conditionfor preferential hydraulic failure <strong>of</strong> K-feldspar, although themelt was produced in plagioclase b<strong>and</strong>s.[38] In contrast, during cavitation, underpressure arisingfrom opening <strong>of</strong> incipient intergranular voids in K-feldsparis theoretically susceptible to ‘‘extract’’ melt from isolatedpools <strong>and</strong> films within plagioclase aggregates, in spite <strong>of</strong> itslittle amount. If distortion <strong>of</strong> plagioclase grains is easierthan for K-feldspar grains to accommodate GBS, then plagioclaseaggregates should also ‘‘extrude’’ excessive intergranularmelt into possible sink sites. This is in agreementwith analogue modeling results <strong>of</strong> Walte et al. [2005], whereaggregates composed <strong>of</strong> ‘‘weaker’’ grains (more susceptibleto plastic deformation) show higher ‘‘GBS locking transition’’than relatively stronger grains. Melt migration alongmutual boundaries <strong>of</strong> quartz was probably negligible incomparison to both feldspars. This is again controlled byrelative ‘‘weakness’’ <strong>of</strong> quartz grains with respect to ‘‘stronger’’grains <strong>of</strong> both feldspars <strong>and</strong> ‘‘welded’’ boundaries <strong>of</strong>quartz. The viscosity ratio between melt <strong>and</strong> host aggregategrains thus increases from quartz to plagioclase <strong>and</strong> ishighest for K-feldspar [Walte et al., 2005].[39] Considering little amount <strong>of</strong> melt produced by themelting reaction <strong>and</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> intergranular melt pocketsperpendicular to the stretching lineation in plagioclase, weconsider the ‘‘cavitation’’ model to be the most likelymicrophysical mechanism explaining the dilation, micr<strong>of</strong>racturation<strong>and</strong> preferential melt distribution in K-feldsparaggregates <strong>of</strong> type 3 microstructure.8.2. Impact <strong>of</strong> Impurities <strong>and</strong> MechanicalAnisotropy <strong>of</strong> Crystals on GBS[40] Experiments with aluminum in GBS regime withrelatively high-purity metals (e.g., aluminum <strong>of</strong> purity 4N(where N expresses the degree <strong>of</strong> purity <strong>of</strong> a material; 2N =99% purity, 4N = 99.99% purity, etc.), 650°K, strain rate10 9 s 1 ) or at high strain rates (e.g., 4N copper at 10 2 s 1 ,873°K [Čadek, 1988]) are marked by high relative elongationse, distinct contraction at the area <strong>of</strong> failure (necking)associated with intracrystalline fracturing. On theother h<strong>and</strong>, experiments with relatively low-purity metals(2N aluminum at 10 9 s 1 , 650°K) or at low strain rates(4N copper at 10 9 s 1 , 873 K) show small relativeelongations to failure, regular contraction along the deformedspecimen (homogeneous strain) <strong>and</strong> intergranularfracturing (Figure 18) [Sklenička et al., 1977; Čadek, 1988;Mohamed, 2002]. Therefore the higher purity material canwithst<strong>and</strong> higher relative elongations to creep failure (<strong>and</strong> atfaster strain rates) than its lower purity equivalent. Incontrast, stress accumulations around impurities <strong>and</strong> grainboundary ledges enhance diffusion-driven cavitation, cavitieseasily form at dislocation pileups around impuritieswithin the grains <strong>and</strong> creep failure will occur after smallerrelative elongations (<strong>and</strong> slower strain rates).12 <strong>of</strong> 15290

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