Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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TEXTURES OF NATURALLY DEFORMED METAGABBROS 117Lineationsa) upper hemisphere a-coo) a-(~oo)Protomylonite {.-'..:: "_~.'.~.~E1Plagioclase - eastern belt=219Poles to foliationsa*(100)a*(100)~ M D = 3.91 9D = 3.60, 9a*(100) a'(100) a*(100) a*(100)N=160 N:'.~-...:.Mylonite , .....E2-pl 1 ~!-'".:=o .;MyloniteE2-p12D=3,53 9D=2.839a*(lOO) a*(lO0) a*(lOO) a*(lOO)= 160, ", o-N=I ~ 0oUltramyloniteE3MD = 2,95 9D = 3.20 9a'(~00) a'(10o) a'0 00) a'(100)N = 200D=4, 9 D=4.b) ~ IPF Reference frame 12~~0Directions [uvw] _ Poles to planes (hkl) /o/o21O1 ~' 1~1~10,~~ O l O O l O ~ o i - oFig. 14. (a) Inverse pole figures <strong>of</strong> plagioclase CPO in the eastern belt (upper hemisphere, equal area projections).Projections <strong>of</strong> lineations are presented as point <strong>and</strong> contour diagrams in the left, projections <strong>of</strong> poles to foliations are inthe fight side <strong>of</strong> the figure. N is the number <strong>of</strong> plotted points. Diagrams are contoured as multiples (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,2.5 .... • ) <strong>of</strong> uniform distribution. MD is maximum density <strong>of</strong> data in the contour diagrams. Large circle <strong>and</strong> square inthe protomylonite represent two porpbyroclasts. (b) The crystallographic reference frame.<strong>and</strong>/or high differential stress (Tullis & Yund1987, 1992; Rosenberg & Sttinitz 2003). Smallgrains concentrated in these fractures exhibittypical features <strong>of</strong> dynamic recrystallizationsuch as bulging <strong>and</strong> subgrain rotation. However,some <strong>of</strong> them might have developed bycrushing <strong>of</strong> the host grain or by heterogeneousnucleation (StiJnitz et al. 2003; Rosenberg &Sttinitz 2003). Twin-free grains adjacent totwinned host grains (see Fig. 3b), compositionalresemblance <strong>of</strong> recrystallized grains to hostgrains, <strong>and</strong> strong CPO (Lister et al. 1978) mayindicate a recrystallization mechanism by subgrainrotation. This recrystallization mechanismis also supported by small average grain sizes,small aspect ratios <strong>and</strong> weak SPO <strong>of</strong> newgrains. A fairly small degree <strong>of</strong> GBPO for plagioclase-plagioclaseboundaries is in agreementwith subequant shapes <strong>of</strong> equidimensional newgrains, thus favouring the hypothesis <strong>of</strong> subgrain269

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