Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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1386J. KonopaÂsek et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology 23 2001) 1373±1392Fig. 9. Structural map <strong>of</strong> the studied area shows D3 <strong>and</strong> D4 monoclinal <strong>and</strong> conjugate systems <strong>of</strong> kink b<strong>and</strong>s. Orientation <strong>of</strong> the kink b<strong>and</strong>s is presented in thelower-hemisphere equal area projection together with the orientation <strong>of</strong> S 2 ±S 3 foliation see lower left part <strong>of</strong> the ®gure for principal fabric elements). For eachlocality numbered inside or above each projection), all measured kink b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> foliations were averaged <strong>and</strong> presented as a mean value. Estimated s 1 <strong>and</strong> s 3directions are shown at localities with developed conjugate kink b<strong>and</strong>s. The equal area projection on the right h<strong>and</strong> side <strong>of</strong> the ®gure represents poles to brittleductile,late D4 shear b<strong>and</strong>s in orthogneisses <strong>and</strong> micaschists. Three groups <strong>of</strong> F 4 compressional kink b<strong>and</strong>s observed in the studied area are shown in the lowerpart <strong>of</strong> the ®gure. a) Kink b<strong>and</strong>s showing northward normal kinematics affecting northward dipping steep foliation. b) Conjugate set <strong>of</strong> kink b<strong>and</strong>s affectingsubvertical foliation. c) Kink b<strong>and</strong>s showing southward normal kinematics affecting southward dipping steep foliation.symmetrically developed conjugate kink-b<strong>and</strong> folds <strong>and</strong>these are developed in a vertical foliation. Group c)consists <strong>of</strong> monoclinal kink-b<strong>and</strong> folds which deform asteep, south-dipping foliations <strong>and</strong> indicates top-to-thesouthnormal kinematics.In the southern limb <strong>of</strong> the KlõÂnovec antiform, most <strong>of</strong> thekink-b<strong>and</strong> folds belong to group 3, with groups 2 <strong>and</strong> 1observed less frequently. On the southern limb <strong>of</strong> theMeÏdeÏnec antiform, the three groups <strong>of</strong> kink-b<strong>and</strong> folds aremore equally developed.62

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