Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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ORIGIN OF FELSIC MIGMATITES 33during horizontal shortening <strong>of</strong> the thickened orogenicroot (Schulmann et al., 2005).The second deformation (D 2 ) is associated withreworking <strong>and</strong> folding <strong>of</strong> the S 1 compositional layeringin b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneiss, so that S 1 is only preservedlocally in elongate relict domains (Fig. 2a). The D 2shearing is attributed to horizontal flow <strong>of</strong> hot lowercrust in a zone up to 10 km wide at a mid-crustal levelabove the Brunia promontory over distances <strong>of</strong> severaltens <strong>of</strong> kilometres (Schulmann et al., 2005). Relicdomains with gently folded S 1 fabric are surrounded byhighly deformed zones with tightly folded S 1 fabric(Fig. 2). The composite S 1)2 fabric is characterized bya b<strong>and</strong>ed structure with diffuse boundaries betweenpolymineralic K-feldspar- <strong>and</strong> plagioclase-richdomains similar to a stromatic migmatite structure(type II) (Fig. 2b). Locally the S 1 fabric is completelytransposed <strong>and</strong> a new S 2 foliation is dipping gently tothe SW (Fig. 1b). A sub-horizontal, gently S–SWplunging L 2 lineation (Fig. 1b) is mostly defined bypreferred orientation <strong>of</strong> sillimanite.Detailed field observations reveal that with ongoingdeformation the type II rock gradually pass into moreisotropic rock (type III) composed <strong>of</strong> K-feldspar–quartz <strong>and</strong> plagioclase–quartz aggregates (Fig. 2c) <strong>and</strong>containing rootless folds <strong>of</strong> the deformed S 1 fabric.This rock type alternates with irregular bodies orelongate lenses <strong>of</strong> fine-grained isotropic felsic rock(type IV, Fig. 2d), which in this region traditionallyhas been described as a nebulitic migmatite (Matějovska´,1974). Such a <strong>structural</strong> sequence originatedthrough intense D 2 deformation superimposed on anolder steep anisotropy <strong>and</strong> was identified in outcropscale along several sections. These observations aresupported by the existence <strong>of</strong> macroscopically visibleleucosomes or granitic veins that are also parallel to S 2<strong>and</strong> form isolated elongate pockets <strong>and</strong> lock-up shearb<strong>and</strong>s.This area has been extensively studied by Mateˇjovska´(1974) <strong>and</strong> Dudek et al. (1974) who used theclassical migmatite terminology <strong>of</strong> Mehnert (1971) forthe above-described rock types. These authors identifiedtype I rock as b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneiss, rock type II asstromatic migmatite <strong>and</strong> rock type IV as nebuliticmigmatite. Rock type III resembles the schlierenmigmatite <strong>of</strong> Mehnert (1971). Because the Gfo¨ hl Unitis considered as one <strong>of</strong> the largest migmatitic terranes<strong>of</strong> the Variscan belt, the traditional migmatite terminologywas adapted to these rocks.MICROSTRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONSThe micro<strong>structural</strong> characteristics including grainsize, grain shape <strong>and</strong> grain boundary geometry werestudied in each <strong>of</strong> the four rock types <strong>and</strong> inK-feldspar- <strong>and</strong> plagioclase-rich domains. Thin sectionswere cut perpendicular to the foliation <strong>and</strong>parallel to L 2 lineation (XZ section). To discriminateK-feldspar from plagioclase, the thin sections werestained according to the method <strong>of</strong> Bailey & Stevens(1960).Type I: b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneissThis rock type is a fine-grained orthogneiss with 0.25-to 2.0-mm-thick layers <strong>of</strong> recrystallized plagioclase(30 modal%), K-feldspar (40 modal%) <strong>and</strong> quartz(20 modal%), separated by discrete layers <strong>of</strong> biotite(10 modal%) commonly associated with minor sillimanite<strong>and</strong> garnet (Table 1, Fig. 3a).K-feldspar forms completely recrystallized aggregates(0.2–0.8 mm grain size) with straight grainboundaries locally meeting in triple point junctions at120° (Fig. 4a). Numerous rounded inclusions <strong>of</strong> quartz(0.05 mm) occur preferentially at triple points, alongplanar boundaries or in cores <strong>of</strong> feldspar (Fig. 4a).Plagioclase (An 10)20 ) is present in K-feldspar aggregatesas small interstitial grains or forms thin filmspreferentially tracing those K-feldspar boundaries thatare oriented at a high angle to the foliation (Fig. 5a).Rarely, tiny interstitial biotite is present in the K-feldspar-rich b<strong>and</strong>s.Plagioclase aggregates (0.2–0.5 mm) are composed<strong>of</strong> an equidimensional polygonal mosaic with straightboundaries, <strong>and</strong> minor interstitial quartz <strong>and</strong> biotite(Fig. 4b). The plagioclase grains show abundanttwinning <strong>and</strong> form a foam-like texture with a perfecttriple point network <strong>of</strong> grain boundaries. Plagioclaseexhibits normal zoning with homogeneous oligoclasecores (An 24)28 ) <strong>and</strong> more sodic (An 10)18 ), clear,2to10lm-thick rims at boundaries with K-feldspar.Plagioclase grain size continuously decreases from thecentre <strong>of</strong> an aggregate towards its borders. Quartzoccurs as small (0.01–0.05 mm) rounded inclusions orinterstitial grains, whereas K-feldspar exhibits characteristiccuspate shapes (Fig. 5b). Tiny biotite grains(0.1–0.5 mm in length; X Fe ¼ 0.42–0.48, Ti ¼ 0.2–0.27 p.f.u.) commonly occur along the plagioclaseboundaries that are sub-parallel to the foliation(Fig. 3a).Quartz ribbons 0.3–1.0 mm wide are composed <strong>of</strong>elongate grains with straight grain boundaries perpendicularto the ribbon margin (Fig. 3a). Quartz–feldspar boundaries are gently curved, with cusps thatpoint from feldspar to quartz. Biotite-rich layerscommonly show decussate microstructure, which is atextural equivalent <strong>of</strong> the foam-like texture <strong>of</strong> the felsicminerals (Vernon, 1976). Contacts between biotite<strong>and</strong>plagioclase-rich layers are marked by numerous(

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