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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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294 K. SCHULMANN ET AL.at 330–325 Ma <strong>and</strong> was associated with exhumation <strong>of</strong>HP metamorphic rocks to the surface, as demonstratedby sedimentation <strong>of</strong> granulite pebbles <strong>and</strong> metamorphicmuscovite in the forel<strong>and</strong> basin. The earlier agesclustering around 340 Ma correspond to D 2 event, i.e.to the vertical material transfer associated with crustalscalefolding, evidence <strong>of</strong> which is partially preservedin flat-lying migmatites.The structure <strong>of</strong> the Moldanubian domain is consistentwith the Ôstage 3Õ <strong>of</strong> the channel-flow model – thehot fold nappe (Beaumont et al., 2006; Culshaw et al.,2006). In these channel-flow models, stage 3 coincideswith the arrival <strong>of</strong> a lower crustal block that forces weakmiddle <strong>and</strong> lower crust into large-scale gently inclinedfold nappes rooted in the thickened Moho.The hot fold nappe model can be applied to theMoldanubian root system, keeping in mind that themodel represents the result <strong>of</strong> a continuous 2D historywhereas the Moldanubian root system comprises anexhumation history in two stages that are kinematicallyindependent. Nevertheless, the hot fold nappemodel simulates well the relatively weakly deformedNE part <strong>of</strong> the Moldanubian system with well-preservedD 2 fabric, which reaches shallow crustal levels<strong>and</strong> ultimately the surface (Figs 8 & 11). To the south,the extruded nappes were derived from more internal<strong>and</strong> hotter parts <strong>of</strong> the orogen. Increasingly largevolumes <strong>of</strong> weak lower crust were gradually transportedsouthwards over the Brunia continent leadingto an increase in the amount <strong>of</strong> lower crustal materialat the surface.The channel flow is heterogeneous, as predicted byBeaumont et al. (2001, 2006), because <strong>of</strong> the previoushistory, which generates important crustal strengthvariations. The implication <strong>of</strong> this model is that theheterogeneous crust makes the geometry <strong>and</strong> composition<strong>of</strong> the channel flow similarly heterogeneous. Inthe Moldanubian case, the channel transportsdetached blocks <strong>and</strong> boudins <strong>of</strong> distinctly differentcompositions such as HP granulites <strong>and</strong> mid-crustalsegments that still preserve relicts <strong>of</strong> the D 2 fabric. Inthis southern part <strong>of</strong> the channel all isotopic systemsare re-equilibrated <strong>and</strong> the cooling ages are younger incomparison with the non-uniformly reset isotopicsystems in the north.CONCLUSIONSThis study has shown that exhumation <strong>of</strong> the orogeniclower crust in the eastern sector <strong>of</strong> the Variscan orogenicbelt is characterized by two independent stages.(1) The first stage is best preserved in the Lugi<strong>and</strong>omain, where it is characterized by an intra-crustalfolding that is responsible for vertical material transferassociated with exhumation <strong>of</strong> the deep orogenic lowercrust to shallower crustal levels corresponding topressures around 10 kbar at about 350 to 340 Ma. Thefolding <strong>and</strong> vertical extrusion events are followed by avertical shortening leading to development <strong>of</strong> subhorizontalfabrics at medium to low pressures. Theearly horizontal shortening was probably triggered bythe existence <strong>of</strong> a rigid Ordovician block, part <strong>of</strong> whichis preserved at the eastern boundary <strong>of</strong> the Lugi<strong>and</strong>omain. We suggest that this early exhumation eventwas related kinematically to Saxothuringian continentalsubduction to the east, creating a convergentcontinental accretionary wedge – the Lugian domain.Mechanical interactions with the large Brunia continentduring the exhumation process remain unconstrained.(2) The Moldanubian domain has steep fabrics insimilar orientations to those preserved in the Lugi<strong>and</strong>omain. Vertical material transfer during the LowerCarboniferous led to the development <strong>of</strong> alternations<strong>of</strong> steeply inclined domains <strong>of</strong> lower <strong>and</strong> middle orogeniccrust, similar to Lugian domain. However, thistectonic event was followed by a NNE-directed subhorizontalshearing at about 330–325 Ma resultingfrom subsurface indentation by the Brunia continentalpromontory into the Moldanubian domain. The arrival<strong>of</strong> the Brunia continent is responsible for the progressiveemplacement <strong>of</strong> hot fold nappes <strong>and</strong>heterogeneous channel flow in the rear (western) part<strong>of</strong> the system generating mixtures <strong>of</strong> middle <strong>and</strong> lowercrustal units with preserved early exhumation fabrics.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study was made possible thanks to the ANRproject ÔLFO in orogensÕ funding as well as to financialsupport <strong>of</strong> CNRS (UMRs 7516 <strong>and</strong> 7517) <strong>and</strong> theCzech Science Foundation (GACR 205 ⁄ 05 ⁄ 2187 <strong>and</strong>GACR 205 ⁄ 04 ⁄ 2065). Ondrej Lexa is indebted to theUniversite´ Louis Pasteur for covering his salary. Weare grateful to J. Platt, D. Grujic <strong>and</strong> an anonymousreviewer for constructive reviews. The editorial work<strong>of</strong> M. Brown is highly appreciated.REFERENCESAllem<strong>and</strong>, P. & Lardeaux, J. M., 1997. Strain partitioning <strong>and</strong>metamorphism in a deformable orogenic wedge: Applicationto the Alpine belt. Tectonophysics, 280, 157–169.Andersen, T. B., Jamtveit, B., Dewey, J. F. & Swensson, E.,1991. Subduction <strong>and</strong> eduction <strong>of</strong> continental crust: majormechanisms during continent–continent collision <strong>and</strong>orogenic extensional collapse, a model based on the southNorwegian Caledonides. Terra Nova, 3, 303–310.Baratoux, L., Schulmann, K., Ulrich, S. & Lexa, O., 2005.Contrasting microstructures <strong>and</strong> deformation mechanisms inmetagabbro mylonites contemporaneously deformed underdifferent temperatures (c. 650 °C <strong>and</strong> c. 750 °C). 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