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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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DTD 5ARTICLE IN PRESS12L. Baratoux et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology xx (xxxx) 1–241 <strong>and</strong> 5 with an average value <strong>of</strong> around 3. Very few class3A folds are present. This indicates the important fact thatthere are relatively few incompetent layers <strong>and</strong> that a highdegree <strong>of</strong> post buckle flattening has occurred (as indicatedby the absence <strong>of</strong> parallel folds). The broad histogram <strong>of</strong> theb 1 /b 3 ratios, with no unequivocal peaks, reveals that theaverage fold shape approximates to that <strong>of</strong> a sine curve. Thegraph <strong>of</strong> b 1 vs. F (Fig. 7c) confirms the low number <strong>of</strong> class3A folds <strong>and</strong> the dominance <strong>of</strong> class 1C. It can be seen fromthis diagram that class 1C folds (FO1) have a low range <strong>of</strong>b 1 values (between 1 <strong>and</strong> 4). In addition, we observe apositive correlation between the F <strong>and</strong> b 1 parameters. Theimplications <strong>of</strong> these observations are that although the foldamplification increases with the degree <strong>of</strong> post-buckleflattening, the maximum value <strong>of</strong> amplification is relativelylow. The measured fold assemblage may be compared withthe model folds <strong>of</strong> type 2b in Fig. 6, which indicate a lowviscosity ratio (m 1 /m 2 ) <strong>and</strong> a moderate value <strong>of</strong> n (d 1 /d 2 ).Compared with the folds in the staurolite zone where highamplification <strong>and</strong> low post-buckle flattening dominate, inthe sillimanite zone we observe limited amplification <strong>and</strong>pronounced post-buckle flattening. This indicates a changefrom folding dominated by active amplification (in thestaurolite zone) to dominantly passive fold amplification inthe sillimanite zone. We interpret this as reflecting animportant change in the rheological properties <strong>of</strong> the foldedmaterial rather than the result <strong>of</strong> differing amounts <strong>of</strong> finitestrain.4.5. Active buckling vs. post buckle flattening in the studiedfoldsThe fold geometries were examined in order to determinethe relative importance <strong>of</strong> active buckling <strong>and</strong> post-buckleflattening across the metamorphic zones <strong>of</strong> the studiedamphibolite unit. It has been shown that in the garnet zonefold amplification was dominated by active buckling withonly a small contribution from post-buckle flattening. In thestaurolite zone, although the folds have also experienced ahigh degree <strong>of</strong> amplification, this involved both activebuckling <strong>and</strong> post-buckle flattening. By comparing theseresults with those obtained from the model folds it can beargued that the folds in the staurolite zone are the equivalent<strong>of</strong> those in the garnet zone (model fold types 5a <strong>and</strong> 5b) buthave experienced a higher degree <strong>of</strong> finite strain. In thesillimanite zone the folds show a relatively lowamplification but important post-buckle flattening eventhough field observations suggest that the strainintensity <strong>of</strong> these folds <strong>and</strong> those <strong>of</strong> the staurolitezone are very similar. It is concluded that thedominance <strong>of</strong> flattening in the folds developed in thesillimanite zone, indicating that the folding wasdominated by passive amplification as opposed to thatwhich occurred in the garnet <strong>and</strong> staurolite zones.5. <strong>Quantitative</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> rock anisotropyIn order to underst<strong>and</strong> more fully the results <strong>of</strong> themesoscopic fold <strong>analyses</strong> discussed above, it is useful tostudy the petr<strong>of</strong>abrics <strong>of</strong> the folded units. The main goals <strong>of</strong>this study are to evaluate the mechanical anisotropy <strong>of</strong>folded systems <strong>and</strong> to determine the micro-deformationalmechanisms associated with folding.5.1. Methods <strong>of</strong> quantitative micro<strong>structural</strong> analysisApproximately 100 thin sections, collected from all threemetamorphic zones, have been studied in an attempt to showthe relationship between the microstructures <strong>and</strong> thefolding. <strong>Quantitative</strong> micro<strong>structural</strong> analysis has beenapplied to eight representative samples collected from thegarnet, staurolite <strong>and</strong> sillimanite zones <strong>and</strong> from the graniteaureole. Two thin sections, cut perpendicular to the F 3 foldaxes (YZ sections), were taken from the fold hinge <strong>and</strong> foldlimb in each zone, respectively. As noted above, macroscopicfolds are only present in the garnet to sillimanitezones. The degree <strong>of</strong> transposition <strong>of</strong> the original metamorphicfabric within the contact aureole was so high thatthe macroscopic folds are preserved only in domains withhigh lithological contrast. However, relics <strong>of</strong> rootlessmicroscopic folds can be seen in massive amphibolites inthin sections <strong>and</strong>, in this zone, it is these that are analysedfrom a micro<strong>structural</strong> point <strong>of</strong> view.A quantitative micro<strong>structural</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> grains <strong>and</strong>grain boundaries was carried out on the representativesamples by tracing <strong>and</strong> digitising the outlines <strong>of</strong> individualgrains using the ESRI ArcView 3.2 Desktop GIS environment.The map <strong>of</strong> grain boundaries was generated usingArcView extension Poly (Lexa, 2003). These data havebeen treated by MATLABe PolyLX Toolbox (Lexa, 2003)in which grain boundary <strong>and</strong> grain SPO were analysed usingthe moments <strong>of</strong> inertia ellipse fitting <strong>and</strong> eigen-analysis <strong>of</strong>the bulk orientation tensor techniques (Lexa, 2003).Digitised drawings <strong>of</strong> representative samples are shown inFig. 8 <strong>and</strong> the results from the quantitative micro<strong>structural</strong><strong>analyses</strong> are presented in Table 1. The grain size <strong>of</strong> theminerals was calculated in terms <strong>of</strong> their Ferret diameter <strong>and</strong>the resulting grain size distributions were statisticallyevaluated. The grain size statistics are summarized in Fig.9, which shows median values <strong>and</strong> the quartile difference <strong>of</strong>the Ferret diameters. In addition, a method <strong>of</strong> determiningthe orientation <strong>of</strong> grain boundaries <strong>and</strong> grain shapes,using the eigen-analysis technique, was applied in anattempt to quantify the bulk rock anisotropy. The results <strong>of</strong>the analysis <strong>of</strong> the bulk SPO <strong>of</strong> grains vs. their aspect ratio(R) are presented in Fig. 10. Grain boundary preferredorientation (GBPO) is presented using a diagram <strong>of</strong>eigenvalue ratios (rZe 1 /e 2 ) <strong>and</strong> the orientation <strong>of</strong> thelargest eigenvector <strong>of</strong> the different types <strong>of</strong> grain boundaries(Fig. 11).The grain size analysis is a powerful technique for120

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