Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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DTD 5ARTICLE IN PRESS2L. Baratoux et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology xx (xxxx) 1–241964) <strong>and</strong> Fletcher (1995), the experimental studies byGhosh (1968), Dubey <strong>and</strong> Cobbold (1977), Dubey (1980),Mancktelow <strong>and</strong> Abbassi (1992) <strong>and</strong> Hobbs (1971) <strong>and</strong> thefield studies by Oertel <strong>and</strong> Ernst (1978) <strong>and</strong> Fowler <strong>and</strong>Winsor (1996)), this work is not directly applicable to thefolding <strong>of</strong> mineral fabrics where the concept <strong>of</strong> layerthickness <strong>and</strong> competence contrast are more difficult todefine. Fortunately a theory <strong>of</strong> the deformation <strong>of</strong>mechanically anisotropic materials has been developed byBiot (1967), which enables the folding <strong>of</strong> mineral fabrics tobe considered.The application <strong>of</strong> modern computer graphics, inparticular geographic information systems (GIS) in quantitativepetrography, <strong>and</strong> computer techniques, which allowthe precise evaluation <strong>of</strong> grain shapes (Panozzo, 1983,1984), grain sizes <strong>and</strong> grain spatial distribution, haveprovided tools for the assessment <strong>of</strong> the relationshipbetween mineral fabrics <strong>and</strong> the folding that developswithin them. In this paper we present a method <strong>of</strong>quantitative micro<strong>structural</strong> analysis that allows the semiquantitativeassessment <strong>of</strong> the mechanical anisotropy <strong>of</strong>mineral fabrics. We demonstrate that quantitative computeraidedanalysis <strong>of</strong> natural fold shapes in conjunction with astudy <strong>of</strong> the internal microstructure allows a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing<strong>of</strong> the mechanical behaviour <strong>of</strong> naturally foldedmultilayers. Our observations show that it is possible todistinguish folds formed by active buckling from thosedominantly controlled by passive amplification. This can beclearly correlated with major variations in mineral microstructures,semi-quantitatively estimated mechanical anisotropy<strong>and</strong> the deformation mechanisms associated withfolding.The rock unit studied in this analysis consists <strong>of</strong>metabasites <strong>of</strong> relatively constant composition that showmetamorphic zonality ranging from the lower amphibolitefacies conditions in the east to the upper amphibolite faciesconditions in the west. The metamorphism wasaccompanied by the development <strong>of</strong> progressively evolvingmineral micr<strong>of</strong>abrics forming a gently dipping to subhorizontalmetamorphic foliation. This consistently orientedbut systematically varying rock anisotropy has beensubsequently affected by horizontal compression responsiblefor the development <strong>of</strong> upright post-metamorphicfolds. In addition, a granite intruded into the western part <strong>of</strong>the amphibolite sheet <strong>and</strong> thermally influenced the host rockwithin a zone several kilometres wide. Field observationsshow a remarkable change in the style <strong>of</strong> the post-peakmetamorphic folding approaching the intrusion (Schulmann<strong>and</strong> Gayer, 2000) <strong>and</strong> the question arises as to whether thechange in fold style reflects the variation in theinherited mechanical anisotropy associated withthe east–west metamorphic–micr<strong>of</strong>abric zonation,whether it is related to the lateral heat input from thewesterly granite, or both.The aims <strong>of</strong> this contribution are: (1) the quantitativecharacterization <strong>of</strong> the fold shapes <strong>and</strong> semi-quantitativedetermination <strong>of</strong> mechanical anisotropy based on quantitativemicro<strong>structural</strong> analysis, (2) the determination <strong>of</strong>possible folding mechanisms using fold shape analysis aswell as the micro-deformational mechanisms associatedwith folding, <strong>and</strong> (3) the evaluation <strong>of</strong> the relative role <strong>of</strong> theinherited paleometamorphic micro<strong>structural</strong> zonation(mechanical anisotropy) <strong>and</strong> lateral heating, on folding.2. Geological settingThe northeastern margin <strong>of</strong> the Bohemian massif is builtup <strong>of</strong> the Neo-Proterozoic basement called Brunia <strong>and</strong> itssedimentary cover (Dudek, 1980) in the east, <strong>and</strong> a belt <strong>of</strong>Brunia derived Variscan nappes (Silesian domain) with highgrade rocks <strong>of</strong> the orogenic root belonging to the Lugi<strong>and</strong>omain in the west (Fig. 1).The studied area is located in the Brunia derived parautochthoncalled the Desná dome, which consists <strong>of</strong>metamorphic Neo-Proterozoic basement core surroundedby a volcano-sedimentary Devonian envelope (Fig. 1b).Metabasites <strong>of</strong> the Jeseník amphibolite massif, the subject<strong>of</strong> this study, form part <strong>of</strong> this Devonian sequence. The hugeaccumulation <strong>of</strong> basic rocks was formed during the EarlyDevonian rifting, as indicated by their tectono-stratigraphicposition <strong>and</strong> back-arc tholeiitic composition (Patočka <strong>and</strong>Valenta, 1990). Metabasites are present on both the eastern<strong>and</strong> western flanks <strong>of</strong> the Desná gneissic core. The basites atthe eastern margin show more tuffitic character while themain amphibolite body situated in the west developedmostly from basalts <strong>and</strong> possibly from gabbros as indicatedby preserved textures in the less deformed domains. Themetabasites are locally stratigraphically or tectonicallyintercalated with metapelites <strong>and</strong> quartzites <strong>of</strong> Pragian age(Chlupáč, 1994), which show the same tectono-metamorphichistory.2.1. Structural geologyThe complex polyphase tectonic evolution <strong>of</strong> the regioncomprises the early pre-Variscan deformations termed D 1 .The first Variscan structures are associated with theBarrovian metamorphism (termed D 2 ), <strong>and</strong> the late Variscanstructures (D 3 ), developed during the transpressionalregime. The most important D 2 structure is represented bya planar metamorphic fabric expressed as localized shearzones in the basement orthogneisses <strong>and</strong> as a penetrative,originally sub-horizontal metamorphic foliation (S 2 ) in allthe rocks <strong>of</strong> the Devonian cover. This fabric is now dippingto the NW or SE at moderate to steep angles as a result <strong>of</strong>subsequent large-scale folding (Fig. 2a). Within the cover,syn-schistose folds (F 2 ) as well as mineral lineation (L 2 ) arelocally well developed.The D 3 deformation had various effects on differentlithologies, depending mainly on the intensity <strong>of</strong> theprevious S 2 anisotropy (Schulmann <strong>and</strong> Gayer, 2000).110

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