Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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' ~'-----2~--~----TEXTURES OF NATURALLY DEFORMED METAGABBROS 113b)Amphibole~.. ~ Amphibole in plagioclase domainsAmphibole,~ Amphibole in plagioclase domains\ A0 50 100 150Grain size - Ferret diameter (pm)9 Protomylonite- E1"~ A Mylonite- E2-pllLU z~ Mylonite- E2-pl2/x Ultramylonite- E39 ~ 9 Augen mylonite- Wlr o B<strong>and</strong>ed mylonite- W2-pllo B<strong>and</strong>ed mylonite- W2-p12Plagioclaseo50200 181614~8'Plagioclase ~ East ' "2Em Protomylonite - E1I. ~ Mylonit~- E2ttl [~ Ultramylonite- E36420fill L.. Plagioclase - West~21]il-grained plagioclasedlllllllllllllllilLlUL J~nn n~l][]nlIJ]n~Amphibole - Eastt 3~I ~ Mylonite- E2b9 11~ I I Ultramylonite- E3llilJLAmphibole - Westm Augen mylonite W1- [~ B<strong>and</strong>ed mylonite- W250 100 150 200 250 3000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Grain size - Ferret diameter (~m)Grain size - Ferret diameter (p.m)Fig. 11. Grain size evolution in the eastern (triangles) <strong>and</strong> western (circles) metagabbros. Degree <strong>of</strong> defomlationincreases from dark to white colour. (a) Calculated medians <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations. (b) Histograms showing thecharacteristic frequencies <strong>of</strong> grain size for each deformational stage.representing the size <strong>of</strong> the recrystallized matrixgrains. Plagioclase grain size is substantiallyhigher in the coarse-grained domain (W2-pll)<strong>of</strong> the b<strong>and</strong>ed mylonite (92 ~zm). The grain sizeis reduced to 72 ~m on average in the highstraindomain (W2-p12).The grain size distributions (Fig. 1 lb) in protomylonites<strong>of</strong> the eastern belt (El) show slightlybimodal distribution due to presence <strong>of</strong> largeporphyroclasts surrounded by small recrystallizedgrains. A higher amount <strong>of</strong> large grainscharacterizes the western b<strong>and</strong>ed mylonite(W2) compared to the augen mylonite (W1)<strong>and</strong> eastern mylonites (El-E3). Lognormal distributionscorrelate with intensity <strong>of</strong> deformationin both belts.Amphibole. The amphibole grain size is 49 p~min the eastern metagabbro mylonite (E2) <strong>and</strong>41 ~m in the ultramylonite (E3). However, thegrain size spread is always lower than that <strong>of</strong>plagioclase in the same rock.The size <strong>of</strong> amphibole grains included withinplagioclase domains decreases systematicallywith increasing deformation, from 49 ~m in theleast deformed sample (El) to 39 ~m <strong>and</strong>43 ~m in the mylonite (E2-pll <strong>and</strong> E2-p12,respectively) <strong>and</strong> 33 p~m in the ultramylonite(E3). The grain sizes are always slightly lowerthan those <strong>of</strong> amphibole matrix grains in thesame thin section.Amphibole grain size in the western metagabbrobelt is highest in the sample including porphyroclasts(W1), reaching 119 Fm on average.Very high variance is typical <strong>of</strong> this mylonite,which is due to a relatively low number <strong>of</strong> newgrains <strong>and</strong> a high number <strong>of</strong> large porphyroclasts.In the b<strong>and</strong>ed mylonites (W2), grain sizedecreases to 94 Fm on average.In the eastern belt, amphibole grain size distributions(Fig. 11 b) are similar to those <strong>of</strong> plagioclase.They are characterized by well-developedlognormal distribution in both mylonite <strong>and</strong>ultramylonite stages. In contrast, the distribution<strong>of</strong> amphibole grain size in the western belt exhibitsweaker fits <strong>of</strong> lognormal distribution withincreasing deformation, which is attributed to ahigher number <strong>of</strong> large grains <strong>of</strong> variable size(Table 4).Shape preferred orientationPIagioclase. Recrystallized plagioclase grainsin the protomylonite <strong>of</strong> the eastern belt (El)<strong>and</strong> mylonite (E2-pll) have aspect ratio (AR)<strong>of</strong> 1.59 <strong>and</strong> 1.56, respectively (Fig. 12a). Bothaspect ratio (AR = 1.82) <strong>and</strong> SPO increase inthe analysed high-strain plagioclase aggregateadjacent to the rigid amphibole porphyroclastin mylonite (E2-pl2). The ultramylonite (E3)exhibits further strengthening <strong>of</strong> the SPO <strong>and</strong>similar high aspect ratios (AR = 1.84).265

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