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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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70 J. FRANĚK ET AL.<strong>and</strong> underlying dense Varied Group rocks. Theanomalies involved in our gravity model have smallareal extent <strong>and</strong> exhibit high gradients at their edges,implying that all <strong>of</strong> them are caused by upper-crustalheterogeneities. Removal <strong>of</strong> regional long-wavelengthgravity components caused by deeper heterogeneities isthen unnecessary <strong>and</strong> the original values <strong>of</strong> theBouguer anomalies have been used in the <strong>modelling</strong>that follows. For the same reason, the model concernsonly upper-crustal bodies down to 10 km depth.The geometry <strong>of</strong> the Prachatice granulite massif hasbeen approximated in six vertical sections 40 km long<strong>and</strong> 10 km deep, trending NW–SE parallel to theseismic reflection line 9HR (Fig. 11a–c). Unlike thetwo-dimensional gravity model <strong>of</strong> Vra´na & Sˇra´mek(1999), the three-dimensional approach was chosenbecause the relationship <strong>of</strong> this granulite massif with itssurroundings suggests a complex non-cylindricalgeometry <strong>of</strong> structures on the scale <strong>of</strong> our model <strong>and</strong> acircular shape <strong>of</strong> the anomaly also means that a twodimensionalapproach is unsuitable. The model isconstrained by the surface extent <strong>of</strong> the geologicalunits, <strong>structural</strong> data extrapolated to 1–2 km depth<strong>and</strong> the reflection seismic line that cross-cuts thePrachatice granulite massif <strong>and</strong> the centre <strong>of</strong> the negativeanomaly. The database <strong>of</strong> rock densities(Appendix S2) from Hana´k et al. (unpublished data),Chlupa´cˇova´ et al. (unpublished data) <strong>and</strong> Blizˇkovsky´et al. (unpublished data) provided starting guesses,which were carefully adjusted when the constraintsdiscussed earlier in the article restricted changes <strong>of</strong>geometry for the modelled bodies. This is a commontechnique because rock densities vary in space, e.g. theVaried Group in surface section exhibits significantlithological change on a kilometre scale. The model wasdesigned to be as simple as possible to avoid ambiguoussolutions, but its simplicity naturally causes divergence<strong>of</strong> the modelled gravity values from the measured valuesat the model edges. In our model, the Prachaticegranulite massif reaches a maximum depth <strong>of</strong> 5.7 km,having a thick lensoidal shape. It cannot extend belowthe strong reflection package, because such a package<strong>of</strong> reflectors could not be expected in a lithologicallyhomogenous granulite massif. It also cannot form athinner lens, because then an unreasonably low densityfor the felsic granulite would be needed to produce themeasured gravity low. A spectacular detail is the cusp<strong>of</strong> high-density Varied Group rocks introduced into thegranulite massif from below in the hinge region <strong>of</strong> thelarge fold (e.g. at 15 km in section 3 in Fig. 11c).Inferring this structure is the only reasonable way toproduce the observed cranked gravity curves. It isprobably <strong>structural</strong>ly analogous to a cusp at the SWedge <strong>of</strong> the Blansky´ les granulite massif, where a sheet<strong>of</strong> amphibolites with ultrabasites penetrates deeply insidethe granulite massif along the large fold axialplane. Our results differ from the two-dimensionalgravity model <strong>of</strong> the Prachatice granulite massif publishedby Vra´na & Sˇra´mek (1999) who expected arectangular rather than lensoidal shape <strong>of</strong> the massif,reaching to 9 km depth. The discrepancy is causedpartially by the different rock densities used <strong>and</strong>partially by the two-dimensional approach. It is arguedthat our model approximates better the reality as aresult <strong>of</strong> calculation in three-dimensions as wellas using better <strong>structural</strong> constraints from the nearsurfacegeology.DISCUSSION – KINEMATIC AND MECHANICALSIGNIFICANCE OF THE DEFORMATION FABRICSTectonic significance <strong>of</strong> granulite facies fabricsThe granulite facies S1–S2 foliations represent aunique example <strong>of</strong> lower crustal fabrics in respect <strong>of</strong>the whole Bohemian Massif. The decompressional P–Tpath indicates that the S2 fabric originated duringexhumation. The highly discordant relationshipbetween the S2 granulite facies fabric <strong>and</strong> the S3amphibolite facies foliation is the most important<strong>structural</strong> observation from the South Bohemiangranulites (Franeˇk et al., 2006). The HP granulitesrecord the early deformation, which are not recordedin rocks <strong>of</strong> either the middle- or the upper-crustalunits. Therefore, there is a possibility that the granulitefacies D2 mylonitization is older <strong>and</strong> occurred in acrustal unit that was geographically remote comparedto the Lower Carboniferous D3–D4 history recordedin lower-, middle- <strong>and</strong> upper-crustal units (Fig. 12).Horizontal shortening <strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong> the regionalvertical fabricThe distribution <strong>of</strong> the steep S3 foliation in thegranulite massifs shows important variations, whichcan be interpreted as a result <strong>of</strong> large-scale folding <strong>of</strong>granulite massifs with steep N–S axial planes (Franěket al., 2006). The granulite bodies were morecompetent than the surrounding metasedimentaryrocks due to cooling after exhumation at later stages<strong>of</strong> D3, which enabled fold amplification. The differencebetween the asymmetrically folded granulite S3fabrics <strong>and</strong> the straight NE–SW S3 fabric homogeneouslydeveloped in middle-crustal host rocks indicatesa non-coaxial dextral shear operating duringD3 in both the middle- <strong>and</strong> lower crustal units. Thesteep attitude <strong>of</strong> N–S axial planes rules out thepossibility that the S3 folding proceeded during thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the flat S4 foliation. The axial planeslie close to the plane <strong>of</strong> maximum flattening <strong>of</strong> theinstantaneous D3 strain ellipsoid, while the generalNE–SW trend <strong>of</strong> the S3 fabric reflects the finitestrain orientation.When the Z-shaped Blansky´ les, the symmetricalKrˇisˇťanov <strong>and</strong> the V-shaped Prachatice granulitemassifs are unfolded to yield originally NE–SW strikingsheets, then the S3 generally dips to the west in theBlansky´ les, subvertically in the Krˇisˇtˇanov <strong>and</strong> to theÓ 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd222

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