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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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104 J. FRANĚK ET AL.in terms <strong>of</strong> thermal conditions <strong>and</strong> deformationalprocesses. Unravelling the complex deformationalbehaviour <strong>of</strong> the felsic granulites should assist broaderconsiderations <strong>of</strong> rheology <strong>and</strong> mechanical behaviour<strong>of</strong> orogenic lower crust during various stages <strong>of</strong>deformation <strong>and</strong> exhumation.The deformation mechanisms governing rheology <strong>of</strong>lower crustal rocks are <strong>of</strong>ten hard to determine due tochanges <strong>of</strong> the microstructures during exhumation,recrystallization in later deformations or retrogression(e.g. Rutter & Brodie, 1992). At granulite faciesconditions, the ductile strain is usually accommodatedby dislocation creep, or diffusion creep that may becomplemented by grain-boundary sliding (GBS)(Martelat et al., 1999; Garlick & Gromet, 2004),each mechanism having variable importance. Grainboundarydiffusion or the presence <strong>of</strong> silicate meltsmay favour the diffusion creep or GBS according tonew results <strong>of</strong> Schulmann et al. (2008) <strong>and</strong> Za´vadaet al. (2007). The GBS may then operate at the expense<strong>of</strong> other mechanisms <strong>and</strong> promote granular flow,particularly in fine-grained rocks (Za´vada et al., 2007;Schulmann et al., 2008).Feldspar, the main constituent <strong>of</strong> the felsic granulites,is an essential component <strong>of</strong> the EarthÕs crust.Nevertheless, its deformational behaviour is not yetfully understood, mainly due to complex solid solutionmixing <strong>and</strong> variation in crystallographic structure withcooling (e.g. Ribbe, 1983; Putnis et al., 2003; Abartet al., 2009). A common process is exsolution withcooling, which modifies the rheological behaviour <strong>of</strong>alkali feldspar <strong>and</strong> may lead to drastic weakening <strong>of</strong>the orogenic lower crust (Schulmann et al., 2008).Feldspar recrystallization, driven mainly by chemicaldisequilibrium <strong>of</strong> the Or–Ab–An solid solution,has been studied in natural examples (Stu¨ nitz, 1998;Putnis, 2002) or experimentally (Stu¨ nitz & Tullis,2001), but these studies have focused mainly onmedium-temperature water-assisted processes below500 °C. At these conditions the original chemicallyunstable feldspar undergoes dissolution <strong>and</strong> precipitatesas two separate feldspars <strong>of</strong> different composition.Such results cannot be easily extrapolated to thegranulite water under-saturated HT conditions <strong>of</strong> atleast 850 °C (OÕBrien & Ro¨ tzler, 2003; Sˇtı´pska´ &Powell, 2005), where the available fluid is representedby silicate melt, rather than water.In order to address the above-mentioned aspects, wepresent a micro<strong>structural</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> exceptionallypreserved samples <strong>of</strong> lower-crustal felsic granulites froman 8.5 · 2.5 km domain (Franeˇk et al., 2006, 2011) withwell-preserved granulite facies fabrics. These rocks formpart <strong>of</strong> the Blansky´ les Granulite Massif (BLG) inthe southern Bohemian Moldanubian domain, whichbelongs to the Variscan collisional chain in centralEurope. The combined micro<strong>structural</strong> <strong>and</strong> petrologicalanalysis shows evidence <strong>of</strong> a complex evolution <strong>of</strong>alkali feldspar rheology during granulite formation <strong>and</strong>exhumation. Changes in ductility are ascribed tochemically <strong>and</strong> deformationally driven recrystallization,variations in grain size as well as changingtemperature <strong>and</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> interstitial melt.Geological settingThe Bohemian Massif (Fig. 1a,b) represents the easternexposure <strong>of</strong> the Variscan orogen in Europe. Duringthe Variscan orogenesis (380–300 Ma), involvingSaxothuringian oceanic subduction <strong>and</strong> subsequentcontinental underthrusting, a 300-km wide orogenicchain evolved. From the NW to the SE, the followingtectonic sequence is developed (Schulmann et al.,2009): the Saxothuringian domain represented byNeoproterozoic basement covered by Palaeozoicsedimentary rocks, the Tepla´ suture zone <strong>and</strong> thesupra-crustal Tepla´–Barr<strong>and</strong>ian Unit. Further tothe SE, the arc-related granitoid plutons separate theTepla´–Barr<strong>and</strong>ian folded sedimentary rocks from thehigh-grade Moldanubian Zone, which shows widespreadanatexis <strong>and</strong> contains slices <strong>of</strong> lower-crustal <strong>and</strong>mantle rocks. This pervasively deformed root domain isfurther to the east bounded by the Brunia microplate(e.g. Schulmann et al., 2005), which is only marginallyaffected by Variscan tectonometamorphic processes.The Moldanubian Zone consists <strong>of</strong> middle- <strong>and</strong>lower-crustal segments, <strong>of</strong>fering an excellent opportunityto examine evidence <strong>of</strong> the exhumation processesoperating in a collisional setting. The exhumed lowercrust, designated as the Gfo¨ hl Unit (Fuchs, 1976), isrepresented by felsic granulites <strong>and</strong> anatectic gneissesthat enclose small bodies <strong>of</strong> mafic granulites, mantlerocks <strong>and</strong> eclogites. The mid-crustal paragneiss-dominatedlevel has been divided according to the prevailinglithology into the Monotonous Group, with only limitedcontent <strong>of</strong> intercalations, such as amphibolites orquartzites, <strong>and</strong> the Varied Group, bearing a largeproportion <strong>of</strong> intercalated amphibolites, quartzites<strong>and</strong> marbles (Fuchs, 1976; Matte et al., 1990). Thestudied BLG is the largest granulite body in SouthernBohemia, <strong>and</strong> belongs to the Gfo¨ hl Unit, which islocated in a complex stack between the Monotonous<strong>and</strong> Varied groups, being accompanied by severalneighbouring granulite bodies (Fig. 2).Previous studies <strong>of</strong> South Bohemian granulitesP–T estimates (Fig. 3) <strong>of</strong> peak metamorphic conditionshave been calculated by various authors using eitherconventional thermobarometry yielding 1000 °C ⁄1.6 GPa (e.g. Vra´na, 1989; OÕBrien & Seifert, 1992;Carswell & OÕBrien, 1993; Cooke, 2000), thermodynamic<strong>modelling</strong> in THERMOCALC s<strong>of</strong>tware that yieldsa maximum <strong>of</strong> 850 °C ⁄ 1.6–1.8 GPa (Sˇtípska´ & Powell,2005) or TWEEQU yielding 970–1000 °C ⁄ 1.6–1.7 GPa(Kro¨ ner et al., 2000). The conditions for the amphibolitefacies overprint are estimated to 700–800 °C <strong>and</strong>0.5–0.8 GPa (Kro¨ ner et al., 2000; Sˇtı´pska´ & Powell,2005; Verner et al., 2007).Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd342

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