Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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32 P. HASALOVÁ ET AL.The onset <strong>of</strong> the exhumation process is dated byzircon U–Pb ages <strong>of</strong> c. 340 Ma on felsic granulites,migmatites <strong>and</strong> mantle-derived syn-tectonicallyemplaced plutons (van Breemen et al., 1982; Kro¨ neret al., 1988; Holub et al., 1997; Schulmann et al.,2005). Tajčmanova´ et al. (2006) assigned metamorphicconditions <strong>of</strong> 840 °C at 18–19 kbar <strong>and</strong> 760–790 °C at10–13 kbar to relict steep granulitic fabrics whichoriginated by vertical extrusion <strong>of</strong> lower crust. Theseauthors also estimated the conditions <strong>of</strong> re-equilibration<strong>of</strong> granulites associated with horizontal spreadingstage to 720–770 °C <strong>and</strong> 4–4.5 kbar. High pressurerocks <strong>of</strong> the Gfo¨ hl Unit are accompanied by largebodies <strong>of</strong> biotite–sillimanite Gfo¨ hl orthogneiss spatiallyassociated with K-feldspar–sillimanite paragneisses<strong>and</strong> leucocratic migmatites for which P–Tconditions <strong>of</strong> 7–10 kbar <strong>and</strong> 750 °C were estimated byRacek et al. (2006).The area <strong>of</strong> this study is located at the easternmosttermination <strong>of</strong> the Gfo¨ hl Unit (Fig. 1a). The main rocktype is represented by the Gfo¨ hl orthogneiss withprotolith ages 488 ± 6 Ma (U–Pb SHRIMP: Friedlet al., 2004) including small bodies <strong>of</strong> amphibolite,granulite, eclogite, ultrabasic rock <strong>and</strong> paragneiss. TheGfo¨ hl orthogneiss shows different stages <strong>of</strong> migmatizationcharacterized by the assemblage <strong>of</strong> Kfs +Pl + Qtz + Bt ± Grt ± Sill. This migmatizedorthogneiss complex is heterogeneously deformed bytop to the NE shearing along a large-scale, gentlydipping shear zone (Schulmann et al., 1994). Consequently,the northern margin <strong>of</strong> this complex is thrustover a footwall comprised <strong>of</strong> the Na´meˇsˇtÕ granulitebody <strong>and</strong> Neoproterozoic metagranites <strong>of</strong> the northeasterncontinental margin (Urban, 1992).STRUCTURAL EVOLUTIONMesoscopic structuresTwo major deformation events are recognized. Thefirst event (D 1 ) is represented by a steep, west-dippinghigh-grade foliation S 1 (Fig. 1b). This fabric is preservedin b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneisses (type I), as an alternation<strong>of</strong> recrystallized monomineralic K-feldspar,plagioclase <strong>and</strong> quartz layers, separated by b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong>biotite ± sillimanite (Fig. 2a). Lineation L 1 is locallymarked by alignment <strong>of</strong> biotite, sillimanite <strong>and</strong> byelongation <strong>of</strong> quartz <strong>and</strong> feldspar aggregates. Thisdeformation is attributed to an early stage <strong>of</strong> exhumation<strong>of</strong> the lower crust along a vertical channel(c)Type III(d)Type IV(b)Type II1 cm2 cm1cmd(a)Type Icba1cm1.0 mFig. 2. Schematic representation <strong>of</strong> the rock relationships at an outcrop scale <strong>and</strong> photographs <strong>of</strong> the individual rock types. (a) B<strong>and</strong>edorthogneiss (type I); (b) stromatic migmatite (type II); (c) schlieren migmatite (type III); <strong>and</strong> (d) nebulitic migmatite (type IV). Theposition <strong>of</strong> this outcrop in the study area is shown in Fig. 1b.Ó 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd318

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