Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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PRECURSOR AND RHEOLOGY OF VARISCAN GRANULITES 105(a)(b)Fig. 1. (a) Position <strong>of</strong> the Bohemian Massif in the Variscan chain in Europe. (b) Simplified geological architecture <strong>of</strong> the BohemianMassif. Rectangle marks the study area depicted in Fig. 2. Modified after Franke (2000).Radiometric ages ascribed to protolith crystallization<strong>of</strong> the South Bohemian felsic granulites give between469 ± 4 <strong>and</strong> 357 ± 2 Ma using the U–Pb method onzircon (Wendt et al., 1994; Kro¨ ner et al., 2000). Subsequentpeak HP metamorphism took place between351 ± 6 Ma (Wendt et al., 1994) <strong>and</strong> 341 ± 3Ma(Kro¨ ner et al., 2000). Retrogression under amphibolitefacies conditions proceeded immediately after exhumationto mid-crustal levels, between 340 ± 3 <strong>and</strong>338 ± 3 Ma (both U–Pb on zircon, Kro¨ ner et al.,2000). Cooling below 500 °C is constrained by the331 ± 1 Ma 40 Ar– 39 Ar age <strong>of</strong> hornblende from anamphibolite adjacent to the BLG (Kosˇler et al., 1999).Protolith to the felsic granulites is still debated, butthe majority <strong>of</strong> studies consider the protolith to havebeen a granitic igneous rock (e.g. Fiala et al., 1987;Jakesˇ, 1997; Kotkova´ & Harley, 1999; Finger et al.,2003; Janousˇek et al., 2004, 2006; Tropper et al., 2005;Janousˇek & Holub, 2007). Janousˇek et al. (2004) suggestedan Ordovician granitic protolith with a modelage <strong>of</strong> c. 450 Ma, which is supported by the radiometricU–Pb zircon ages <strong>of</strong> Kro¨ ner et al. (2000) <strong>and</strong>Friedl et al. (2003).Franeˇk et al. (2006) reported a succession <strong>of</strong> threeductile fabrics in the BLG (Fig. 2). The oldestsubhorizontal fabric S1 is preserved in an 8.5 km ·2.5 km elliptical area <strong>of</strong> the BLG <strong>and</strong> macroscopicallyis defined by an alternation <strong>of</strong> up to 1-cm thickwhite b<strong>and</strong>s formed by recrystallized alkali feldspar,up to 1-cm thick quartz-rich b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> 1- to 3-mmthick darker plagioclase–garnet-dominated b<strong>and</strong>s(Fig. 4a,b). Large perthite porphyroclasts, up to acentimetre in diameter, are preserved in the feldsparrichb<strong>and</strong>s. The S1 foliation is folded by metre-scalepassive F2 folds with steeply inclined axial planes<strong>and</strong> pervasively developed penetrative cleavage S2,which is macroscopically characterized by strongsubhorizontal elongation <strong>of</strong> quartz ribbons <strong>and</strong>biotite aggregates. Within the limbs, the S1 compositionallayering is stretched <strong>and</strong> progressively rotatedtowards the N–S striking steep S2 cleavage, whichcontains the subhorizontal L2 stretching <strong>and</strong> minerallineation. In strongly reworked areas, the only relicts<strong>of</strong> the S1 fabric are highly attenuated remnants <strong>of</strong> theS1 compositional layering parallel to S2. Macroscopically,the D2 structures are best seen in the formÓ 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd343

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