Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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PRECURSOR AND RHEOLOGY OF VARISCAN GRANULITES 121Lattice-preferred orientationLattice-preferred orientation (LPO) measurements <strong>of</strong>quartz, K-feldspar <strong>and</strong> plagioclase grains from all thedescribed micro<strong>structural</strong> types were additionallycarried out in order to evaluate operative deformationmechanisms. A strong LPO usually originates duringplastic deformation via dislocation creep, whereas thediffusion-accommodated GBS generally weakensthe LPO <strong>of</strong> deforming grains (e.g. Jiang et al., 2000).The slip systems accommodating dislocation creep arewell known for quartz (e.g. Schmid & Casey, 1986) <strong>and</strong>plagioclase (e.g. Tullis, 1983; Montardi & Mainprice,1987; Kruse et al., 2001; Stu¨ nitz et al., 2003), but lessknown for K-feldspar (Tullis, 1983). To ensure highquality <strong>of</strong> measurements, the crystal lattice orientationswere collected manually via EBSD in theLAREM laboratory <strong>of</strong> the Czech Geological Survey<strong>and</strong> at the Institute <strong>of</strong> Petrology <strong>and</strong> StructuralGeology at Charles University in Prague. LPO data foreach sample (XZ thin section) were plotted separatelyas non-polar projections on a lower hemisphere <strong>and</strong>important slip planes <strong>and</strong> directions for quartz,K-feldspar <strong>and</strong> plagioclase were projected.Type I microstructureAt first, the EBSD study was carried out in domainsconsisting <strong>of</strong> perthite <strong>and</strong> the newly formed Type Imatrix enclosed within the perthite, therefore protectedfrom D2 <strong>and</strong> D3 deformation. The Type I K-feldspar<strong>and</strong> plagioclase grains reveal roughly the same latticeorientation as the K-feldspar host <strong>and</strong> plagioclaseexsolutions in parental perthite. When passing outsidethe protected matrix into the Transitional type IImicrostructure, a continuous increase <strong>of</strong> LPO scatteringwith respect to the parental perthite orientationoccurs in the matrix without any tendency to develop anew LPO (Fig. 14).Type II microstructureThe pole figures <strong>of</strong> matrix quartz show incomplete highangleType II cross-girdle (Lister & Price, 1978) <strong>of</strong> c-axes(Fig. 15a). High opening angle <strong>and</strong> central maximumare consistent with dominance <strong>of</strong> prism <strong>and</strong> slip systems, being variably accompanied by rhomb + slip (e.g. Lister & Dornsiepen, 1982).The large quartz ribbons have an irregular size <strong>and</strong>distribution <strong>of</strong> subgrains, with inclined subgrainboundaries <strong>and</strong> a strong central maximum sometimesaccompanied with minor submaxima oriented closeto the lineation. This typical granulite pattern (Behr,1961) results from predominance <strong>of</strong> the prism slip, only rarely accompanied by subordinate prism slip (Schmid & Casey, 1986).In plagioclase, the LPO shows an incomplete girdle<strong>of</strong> (010) poles normal to the lineation direction <strong>and</strong>maxima <strong>of</strong> [201], [101] <strong>and</strong> [001] subparallel to thelineation. It indicates the activity <strong>of</strong> primary [001] (010)Fig. 14. Electron back-scattered diffraction measurements <strong>of</strong> a perthite domain undergoing recrystallization to granular matrix <strong>and</strong>initial D2 deformation. The crystal lattice orientation <strong>of</strong> both K-feldspar background <strong>and</strong> plagioclase exsolutions in parental perthiteare compared to both feldspars in the granulitic matrix located inside the perthite, at the edge <strong>of</strong> the perthite <strong>and</strong> in the deformedmatrix adjacent to the perthite grain. The elongation <strong>of</strong> quartz grains reflects D2 strain intensity <strong>and</strong> depicts orientation <strong>of</strong> S2 fabric.Lower hemisphere non-polar equal-area projections.Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd359

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