Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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B10210ZÁVADA ET AL.: EXTREME DUCTILITY OF FELDSPAR AGGREGATESB10210Figure 2. (a) Traced <strong>and</strong> digitized mineral phase boundaries in XZ <strong>and</strong> YZ rock sections <strong>of</strong> themylonite type 3 sample (B109) <strong>and</strong> XZ section <strong>of</strong> a metagranite type 1 sample (B108) for comparison(mineral abbreviations after Kretz [1983], Mat means matrix <strong>and</strong> represents indiscernible mineral phases).(b) Flinn diagram <strong>of</strong> the phase aggregate’s shapes. R xy <strong>and</strong> R yz designate X/Y <strong>and</strong> Y/Z ratios <strong>of</strong> the strainellipsoid axes, respectively [Flinn, 1962].[7] Intensive north-south Variscan compression resultedin the development <strong>of</strong> vertical foliations in both the UCN<strong>and</strong> adjacent middle crustal rocks (LCN, Lower CrystallineNappe) [Konopásek et al., 2001] <strong>and</strong> also vertical stretchinglineations in the UCN. Zulauf et al. [2002] proposed thatthis vertical fabric is related to the rapid vertical motion <strong>of</strong>lower crustal rocks along the NBSZ <strong>and</strong> to intense deformation<strong>of</strong> gneisses <strong>and</strong> granulites. The UCN orthogneissshows significantly higher finite strains <strong>of</strong> feldspars comparedto relatively weakly deformed quartz suggestingextreme ductility <strong>of</strong> feldspars. In this work we focus onthe evaluation <strong>of</strong> the competency relationship betweenfeldspars <strong>and</strong> quartz, which can be <strong>of</strong> great importance forthe rheology <strong>of</strong> felsic lower crust.3. Finite Strain Analysis[8] In order to evaluate the influence <strong>of</strong> individual mineralson the rheology <strong>of</strong> UCN orthogneiss, the specimenshave been sampled according to the degree <strong>of</strong> finite strain.Plates cut along the XZ <strong>and</strong> YZ planes <strong>of</strong> the rock fabricellipsoid (XZ, parallel to lineation <strong>and</strong> perpendicular t<strong>of</strong>oliation; YZ, perpendicular to lineation <strong>and</strong> foliation) werecolored [Gabriel <strong>and</strong> Cox, 1929] in order to distinguish K-feldspar from plagioclase aggregates. The boundaries <strong>of</strong>mineral phases in both XZ <strong>and</strong> YZ sections were thenmanually traced <strong>and</strong> digitized from photographs in ArcViewGIS environment (Figure 2a). The phase aggregate objectswere then statistically evaluated using the PolyLX Matlabtoolbox [Lexa et al., 2005] (http://petrol.natur.cuni.cz/ondro/polylx:home). Because both feldspars in b<strong>and</strong>edorthogneiss samples formed apparent infinite prolate-shapedaggregates, their strain was calculated using a method basedon normalization <strong>of</strong> their volume by the mean volume <strong>of</strong> thephase aggregates in sample with low finite strain intensity(where the phase objects are closed, sample B108). It isassumed that initially nonb<strong>and</strong>ed feldspar aggregates coalescedtogether during the deformation. Quartz aggregatesin the XZ section appeared to retain similar cross-sectionalarea as in the sample with lowest strain intensity. Wetherefore suggest that quartz aggregates did not undergoextensive pinching by other phases during deformation,which would decrease their cross-sectional area <strong>and</strong> finitestrain estimate. Bulk deformation was calculated from allphases together as object area weighted geometrical mean.[9] Results <strong>of</strong> shape analysis are demonstrated in theFlinn diagram [Flinn, 1962] (Figure 2b). Sample B108shows the lowest degree <strong>of</strong> deformation <strong>and</strong> represents a‘‘metagranite’’ type 1. The ‘‘b<strong>and</strong>ed orthogneisses’’ type 2(samples B13, B109-2) show rod-shaped aggregates <strong>of</strong> bothfeldspars <strong>and</strong> plane strain to slightly prolate symmetry <strong>of</strong>quartz. This type shows bulk intensities around D = 5 (D =(R 2 xy +R 2 yz ) 1/2 [Ramsay <strong>and</strong> Huber, 1983], D <strong>of</strong> K-feldsparclose to 10 <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> plagioclase around 6. Maximum bulkintensity D = 16 was attained in sample B109 with K-feldspar <strong>and</strong> plagioclase reaching D = 26 <strong>and</strong> D = 50,respectively. This sample represents the final member <strong>of</strong>micro<strong>structural</strong> evolution <strong>and</strong> will be designated the‘‘mylonite’’ type 3 sample. All stages <strong>of</strong> deformation showhigher finite strains in K-feldspar <strong>and</strong> plagioclase aggregatescompared to quartz.4. Deformation Microstructures[10] Microstructures <strong>and</strong> mineral textures <strong>of</strong> all rock‘‘types’’ were studied in detail in order to evaluate theevolution <strong>of</strong> deformation mechanisms with respect to increasingbulk rock strain. <strong>Quantitative</strong> micro<strong>structural</strong> analysiswas carried out using manually digitized grainboundaries [see Lexa et al., 2005] from several sequentialmicrophotographs <strong>of</strong> colored XZ thin sections. Texturalanalysis comprises quantification <strong>of</strong> the grain size <strong>and</strong> grainsize spread, grain shape (axial ratio) <strong>and</strong> shape preferredorientation (SPO), expressed as the ratio <strong>of</strong> eigenvalues <strong>of</strong>3<strong>of</strong>15281

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