SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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III. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTSD. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITYTABLE III.D-3SUMMARY OF POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT WATER QUALITY IMPACTSDUE TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW FACILITIESImpact-Inducing Policies or <strong>Management</strong> Actions: a! Action haz6: Identify high-risk spill potential areas and implement measures, including barricades, toreduce the risk of hazardous spills.! Action sto1: Remediate on-site stormwater collection and drainage systems through infiltrationdrainfields and trenches, and detention basins.! Action aqu12: Install long-term sediment retention basins or other permanent measures.! Action aqu5: Rehabilitate shoreline areas using structural shoreline protection measures.! Action aqu7: Rehabilitate stream segments.! Action was1: Repair/replace vault, chemical, and composting toilet as necessary.! Action roa2: Relocate existing necessary high use roads/road segments in proximity to streams.! Action roa3: Modify the grading and drainage of existing necessary high use roads/road segments.! Action roa4: Close and retire roads that are not needed and eliminate or minimize problem erosionpoints by installing culverts and waterbars, or otherwise stabilizing the roadway.! Action roa6: Inspect/manage unpaved roads by remediating and stabilizing areas of erosion andregrading unpaved roads.! Action roa7: Maintain fire roads through effective installation of waterbars and paving where needed.! Action roa8: Restrict access on low use roads by gates or barriers.! Action fir2: Install a total of nine hydrants into water sources.! Action fir3: Install and maintain a total of four helispots on <strong>SFPUC</strong> property.! Action fir4: Install three additional helispots off <strong>SFPUC</strong> lands.! Action fir5: Install two additional hydrants on adjacent lands.! Action fir6: Install an additional water tank.! Action fir7: Identify/construct road improvements, including turnouts, turnarounds, and safety zones.! Action fir8: Complete the fuel management projects, including fuel load reductions, prescribed burns,fuel breaks, and access improvements.! Action will13: Design and install wildlife passage structures that minimize wildlife losses.! Action pub3: Establish “gateway” information kiosks.! Action pub4: Establish a Visitor Education Center.! Action sun17: Provide universal access at Sunol Valley recreation facilities.! Action des8: Implement universal access improvements at <strong>SFPUC</strong> facilities and trails.! Actions sun1, sun2a, sun2b: These Sunol Valley actions would allow for mining of gravel quarriessuch that following completion of mining, the pits can be converted into water storage reservoirs.! Action sun4: Create sideslopes on the mining pits such that there is a gradual transition to water.! Action sun5: Reclaim mining pits with sideslopes appropriate to their proposed activity.! Action sun10: Retain the existing Sunol maintenance facility with improvements, including equipmentstorage shelter, warehouse and storage yard, parking, etc.! Action sun11: Backfill and landscape a ¼-mile buffer zone at the mining module closest to the watertemple, between that module and the temple.a See Table II-1 for a description of each action.NOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> III.D-20 ESA / 930385January <strong>2001</strong>

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