SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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III. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTSM. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND HAZARDOUS WASTE2.2 PROGRAM-LEVEL IMPACTSThis section discusses the potential hazardous materials and hazardous waste impacts associatedwith implementation of the management actions in the <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>,including construction-related and operation-related exposures.Construction-Related ExposureImplementation of the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would result in construction of a number of additionalfacilities or improvements on the <strong>Watershed</strong>. Many of the facilities would be installed to ensureand/or improve water quality or resource protection on the <strong>Watershed</strong>, such as barriers or fencesat identified high-risk spill potential areas (Action haz6); installation of infiltration drainfieldsand detention basins (Action sto1); install long-term sediment retention basins or otherpermanent measures (Action aqu12); rehabilitation of shoreline areas and stream segments(Actions aqu5 and aqu7); improvements that prevent human and animal waste from impacting<strong>Watershed</strong> resources (Action was1); and wildlife passage structures (Action wil13). Many of theactions listed in the Roads Section of the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (Actions roa2, roa3, roa4, roa6, roa7,and roa8) would modify or relocate roads or road components in order to reduce potentialerosion and <strong>Watershed</strong> contamination from automobile by-products. Fire management actionsinclude the installation of hydrants, helispots, and water tanks (Actions fir2 through fir6);roadway and access improvements (Action fir7); and implementation of fuel managementprojects that include constructing fuel breaks, conducting prescribed burns, and otherimprovements (Action fir8). Construction projects would be generated through actions thatwould provide additional public use opportunities, such as information kiosks and a <strong>Watershed</strong>Visitor Education Center (Actions pub3 and pub4), additional new trails (Policies WA15.2 andWA 15.4), and golf course expansion (Policy WA18.1). In addition, implementation of Actionsdes8 and sun17 would result in universal access improvements at existing <strong>Watershed</strong> facilitiesand trails and provide for universal access at proposed facilities.Implementation of the Sunol Resource Valley <strong>Management</strong> Element would also generateconstruction projects through restoration and reclamation activities related to mining pits,including construction of appropriate mining pit sideslopes (Actions sun4 and sun5);improvements at the existing Sunol maintenance facility (trade shops, equipment storage shelter,warehouse, offices, <strong>Watershed</strong> Visitor Education Center, etc.) (Action sun10); backfill andlandscaping of a buffer at the mining module closest to the Sunol Water Temple, between thatmodule and the temple (Action sun11); and restoration of the entry to the Sunol Water Temple(Action sun13). In addition, implementation of Sunol actions would include construction ofseveral public access facilities and improvements, including a public recreation area around theSunol Water Temple (Action sun14), commercial site (Action sun19), overnight nature studyarea (Action sun20), and trail connections (Action sun21).Implementation of the Grazing Resources <strong>Management</strong> Element would generate constructionprojects primarily through structural protection measures and watershed protection areaimprovements, including fencing around reservoirs, streams, and stock water ponds; waterNOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> III.M-3 ESA / 930385January <strong>2001</strong>

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