SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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III. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTSF. AIR QUALITYThe BAAQMD established thresholds for assessment of project impacts on air quality commonlyemployed in determining impacts significance under CEQA. Construction emissions aretypically considered less than significant if appropriate mitigation is implemented to minimizeparticulate emissions. For operational impacts, emissions of 80 pounds per day of reactiveorganic gases, nitrogen oxides, and inhalable particulates are considered significant. Carbonmonoxide emissions are considered in the context of roadside concentrations, measured againstthe state standard, since carbon monoxide is a local pollutant that does not readily disperse.Sensitive receptors (facilities that house or attract children, the elderly, people with illnesses, orothers who are especially sensitive to the effects of air pollution) are evaluated by their proximityto potential sources of air pollution. The closer the receptor is to an emission source, the morelikely it is for a significant air quality impact to occur.2.2 PROGRAM-LEVEL IMPACTSThis section discusses the potential impacts of implementation of <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> managementactions on air quality, including increase in construction-related air pollutant emissions andchanges to gravel mining emissions.Operational air pollutant emissions are not discussed because operation of <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>components would not significantly change trip distribution patterns in the project area, wouldnot significantly increase vehicular traffic, and would not affect regional PM-10 concentrations.Emissions from facility operations would be negligible. Therefore, no discernible change in airquality from operational emissions is anticipated.Increase in Construction-Related Air Pollutant EmissionsImplementation of the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would result in construction of a number of additionalfacilities or improvements on the <strong>Watershed</strong>. Many of the facilities would be installed to ensureand/or improve water quality or resource protection, such as barriers or fences at identified highriskspill potential areas (Action haz6); installation of infiltration drainfields and detention basins(Action sto1); installation of long-term sediment retention basins or other permanent measures(Action aqu12); rehabilitation of shoreline areas and stream segments (Actions aqu5 and aqu7);improvements that prevent human and animal waste from impacting <strong>Watershed</strong> resources(Action was1); and wildlife passage structures (Action wil13). Many of the actions listed in theRoads Section of the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (Actions roa2, roa3, roa4, roa6, roa7, and roa8) wouldmodify or relocate existing roads or road components in order to reduce potential erosion and<strong>Watershed</strong> contamination from automobile by-products. Fire management actions include theinstallation of hydrants, helispots, and water tanks (Actions fir2 through fir6); roadway andaccess improvements (Action fir7); and implementation of fuel management projects that includeconstruction of fuel breaks, conducting prescribed burns, and other improvements (Action fir8).Construction projects would be generated through management actions that would provideadditional public use opportunities, such as information kiosks and a <strong>Watershed</strong> VisitorEducation Center (Actions pub3 and pub4), additional new trails (Policies WA15.2 andWA15.4), and golf course expansion (Policy WA18.1). In addition, implementation of ActionsNOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> III.F-8 ESA / 930385January <strong>2001</strong>

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