SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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XII. SUMMARY OF COMMMENTS AND RESPONSESB. SUMMARY OF COMMENTS AND RESPONSESP. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/HAZARDOUS WASTEComment P-1: “With regard to <strong>Management</strong> Actions haz1 to haz12, we have previouslyrecommended that the <strong>SFPUC</strong> either maintain its own hazards material spill response equipmentand staff with the specific ability to control spills into reservoirs in the local watershed areas orassist local agencies with the acquisitions of this equipment and training.” (CaliforniaDepartment of Health Services)Response: In response to this comment, which is not directed to the EIR or its analysis, the<strong>SFPUC</strong> will consider the suggested change prior to adoption of the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Comment P-2: “Nurseries on leased <strong>SFPUC</strong> land in the watershed use a number of pesticidesand insecticides adjacent to the creek, as revealed by a <strong>SFPUC</strong> survey (Bookman-Edmonston1995D). Many of the pesticides currently used by nurseries in the Sunol Valley, such asdiazinon, malathion, durzban, and Rice Mollinate are known to be toxic to frogs. Pesticideresidues in water, sediment, and aquatic vegetation can harm amphibians in aquatic environmentsby delaying or altering larval development or by reducing breeding or feeding activity (Hall andHenry 1992, Berrill et al. 1993). Insecticides obviously have harmful effects on butterflies, whichare insects, even in minute concentrations. The impacts of pesticide and insecticide runoff onmacroinvertebrates in <strong>Alameda</strong> Creek which are the food base for fish and amphibians has notbeen studied or analyzed. <strong>Alameda</strong> Creek was declared an impaired water body in 1999 by theU. S. Environmental Protection Agency due to diazinon poisoning. The <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>proposes to expand nursery use in the valley and expand the existing golf course, which willincrease diazinon and other pesticide runoff to the creek. Pesticide use should be discontinued,especially since downstream water is used for municipal water supply, and Integrated Pest<strong>Management</strong> methods of pest control should be employed.” (<strong>Alameda</strong> Creek Alliance)Response: As noted on DEIR page II-1, the EIR assesses the potential impacts of the<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, and not the impacts of existing facilities and operations, which constitute theenvironmental baseline for the EIR. Currently, nurseries in the Sunol Valley are required toprovide reports to the <strong>SFPUC</strong> regarding their use of pesticides and fertilizers. The <strong>Management</strong><strong>Plan</strong> calls for development of hazardous chemical management procedures for <strong>SFPUC</strong> operationsand operations on leased <strong>SFPUC</strong> lands, including nurseries and the golf course. In addition, the<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would require a greater setback of nurseries from <strong>Alameda</strong> Creek or otherwater bodies, as a best management practice. (Please see DEIR pages III.D-30 and III.D-31 for adiscussion of nursery operations impacts on water quality.) Implementation of this practicewould depend on lease agreements. The following discussion summarizes the <strong>SFPUC</strong>management of pesticide use.The <strong>SFPUC</strong> has been on the San Francisco County Agricultural Commissioners Office task forceand the San Francisco Department of the Environments Integrated Pest <strong>Management</strong> (IPM) taskforce since the City’s IPM ordinance was approved in October 1996. The <strong>SFPUC</strong> has compliedwith the requirements of the ordinance by submitting monthly reports of pesticide use, submittingannual reports of Department use, designating IPM coordinators, submitting a Department IPMNOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> C&R.111 ESA / 930385

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