SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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III. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTSL. NOISEWA15.4), and golf course expansion (Policy WA18.1). In addition, implementation of actionsdes8 and sun17 would result in universal access improvements at <strong>SFPUC</strong> facilities and trails andprovide for universal access at proposed trails.Implementation of the management actions in the Sunol Valley Resources <strong>Management</strong> Elementwould also generate construction projects through restoration and reclamation activities relatedto mining pits, including construction of appropriate mining pit sideslopes (Actions sun4 andsun5); improvements at the Sunol maintenance facility (trade shops, equipment storage shelter,warehouse, offices; <strong>Watershed</strong> Visitor Education Center, etc.) (Action sun10); backfill andlandscaping of a buffer at the mining module closest to the Sunol Water Temple, between thatmodule and the temple (Action sun11); and restoration of the entry to the Sunol Water Temple(Action sun13). In addition, implementation of Sunol actions would involve construction ofseveral public access facilities and improvements, including a public recreation area around theSunol Water Temple (Action sun14), commercial site (Action sun19), overnight nature studyarea (Action sun20), and trail connections (Action sun21).Implementation of the management actions in the Grazing Resources <strong>Management</strong> Elementwould generate construction projects primarily through structural protection measures andwatershed protection area improvements, including fencing around reservoirs, streams, and stockwater ponds; water developments; water collection systems; wildlife ponds; and livestock pondrehabilitation (Actions gra2, gra6, gra7, and gra8).Construction of facilities in remote areas of the <strong>Watershed</strong> would not result in significant noiseimpacts due to the lack of sensitive receptors. Although the locations of the new trails are notspecified, construction of the trails would not likely result in significant noise increases.Construction noise increases are generally associated with the operation of heavy equipment forgrading or earthmoving activities. Trail construction typically does not require extensive use ofheavy equipment, because trail alignments generally follow existing unpaved roadways orpathways.Many of the facilities proposed under the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are to be located in the Sunol Valleyarea, or at locations that are not specified. If the facilities are located in proximity to sensitivereceptors in the Town of Sunol, construction of the facilities could result in a significant noiseimpact. Depending on their location, construction activities could substantially increase noiselevels at any nearby sensitive receptors, or could adversely affect the use and enjoyment ofnearby recreation areas, unless mitigated.While the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> proposes certain management actions that could bring aboutphysical effects, the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> also includes actions that would reduce these potentialeffects. However, the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> does not include specifications regarding constructionnoise (see Table III.L-1). Section IV.L includes mitigation measures that would reduceconstruction noise impacts to a less than significant level. No unavoidable significant programlevelnoise impacts related to construction activities have been identified in this EIR. However,the San Francisco <strong>Plan</strong>ning Department would require examination of many specificmanagement actions proposed in the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> at the time they are proposed forNOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> III.L-4 ESA / 930385January <strong>2001</strong>

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