SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan

SFPUC 2001 Alameda Watershed Management Plan


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VII. ALTERNATIVESAlthough Alternative A is the environmentally superior alternative, Alternative A was rejectedbecause it does not continue existing compatible uses and provide opportunities for potentialcompatible uses on <strong>Watershed</strong> lands, including educational, recreational, and scientific uses to thesame degree as under the <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> preferred alternative.D. MANAGEMENT PLAN ALTERNATIVE B: ECOLOGICALRESOURCE/ACCESS1.0 DESCRIPTIONTable VII-1 provides a comparison between the components of the preferred alternative andthose of Alternative B. Alternative B provides moderate improvement in water quality and seeksto balance ecological resource protection and public access and activity. Alternative B stressesmanagement procedures and monitoring that result in prudent watershed resource management,especially in the areas of water quality protection, ecological resource protection, and reduced firehazard. The anticipated risk to public health under this alternative due to public access is greaterthan under Alternative A but less than under Alternative C. This alternative would provide formany of the ecological resource enhancement practices identified in Alternative A, but theywould be less extensive and intensive. Alternative B provides a greater reduction in the amountof fuels than under Alternative A. However, in addition to reducing hazardous fuels, thisalternative presents a greater risk of fire ignition due to its higher level of proposed public accessthan under Alternative A.Public access compatible with Alternative B is somewhat limited. Under Alternative B, allrecreational activities must meet water quality thresholds and screening criteria, as is required forall alternatives. Activities considered compatible with Alternative B include continued access todesignated pubic trails, additional urban connector trails accessible without a permit, docent-ledgroup access by permit, access by permit for scientific study, and day-use educational centers.The existing golf course could be expanded, subject to water quality and monitoringrequirements. Activities considered incompatible with Alternative B include new golf courses,additional interior trail access, fishing, and biking.Revenue-generating actions considered compatible with Alternative B include grazing(emphasizing the protection of water bodies and ecological resources while controlling firehazard), and mining expansion north and south of I-680, coupled with accelerated reclamation ofabandoned mining pits and restoration for increased water supply.2.0 IMPACTS AND REASONS FOR REJECTIONTable VII-2 provides a comparison between the impacts of the preferred alternative and those ofAlternative B. The preferred alternative and Alternative B allow for similar watershedmanagement activities and public use and would include most of the same facilities andimprovements. However, Alternative B would allow individual access to selected existinginternal roads, increased group access to internal roads, and greater levels equestrian use thanNOP 96.223E: <strong>Alameda</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> VII-16 ESA / 930385January <strong>2001</strong>

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