1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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ANTH 398I Death and Dying: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3)An introduction to the anthropological study <strong>of</strong> death and dying,both in America and in other parts <strong>of</strong> the world. Theories <strong>of</strong>ritual and social praxis are examined as explanations <strong>of</strong> contemporarysocial behavior. The interdisciplinary science <strong>of</strong> thanatologyand the counseling disciplines are also introduced.ANTH 401 Cultural Anthropology: Principlesand Processes (3)Prerequisite: ANTH 101, ANTH 102, or ANTH 344. An examination<strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> human culture and its processes, both historicaland functional. The approach is topical and theoreticalrather than descriptive.ANTH 402 Cultural Anthropology: WorldEthnography (3)Prerequisite: ANTH 101, ANTH 102, or ANTH 344. A descriptivesurvey <strong>of</strong> the culture <strong>of</strong> various areas <strong>of</strong> the world through anexamination <strong>of</strong> representative societies.ANTH 414 Ethnology <strong>of</strong> Africa (3)(Fulfills the international or historical perspective requirement.)Prerequisites: ANTH 101 and either ANTH 102 or ANTH 344.A study <strong>of</strong> the native peoples and cultures <strong>of</strong> Africa.ANTH 417 Peoples and Cultures <strong>of</strong> theFar East (3)(Fulfills the civic responsibility or international perspectiverequirement.) Prerequisite: An introductory course in the socialsciences or permission <strong>of</strong> the faculty member. A survey <strong>of</strong> themajor sociopolitical systems <strong>of</strong> China, Korea, and Japan. Majoranthropological questions are discussed.ANTH 486A Internship in AnthropologyThrough Co-op (3)Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Co-op program (programrequirements are listed on p. 18). An opportunity to combineacademic theory with new, career-related experience in anthropology.At least 12 hours per week must be devoted to new tasksfor a minimum <strong>of</strong> 180 hours during the Co-op session; four newtasks must be delineated in the Learning Proposal; and the courserequirements must be completed. May be repeated upon approval<strong>of</strong> a new Learning Proposal that demonstrates new tasks and objectivesrelated to anthropology and that continues to advanceapplication <strong>of</strong> academic theory in the workplace. Students mayearn up to 15 semester hours in all internship coursework throughCo-op toward a first bachelor’s degree and up to 9 semester hourstoward a second bachelor’s degree. Co-op credits may not be usedfor general education requirements and, unless otherwise specified,no more than 6 Co-op credits may be used in the academicmajor and minor (combined).ANTH 486B Internship in AnthropologyThrough Co-op (6)Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Co-op program (programrequirements are listed on p. 18). An opportunity to combineacademic theory with new, career-related experience in anthropology.At least 20 hours per week must be devoted to new tasksfor a total <strong>of</strong> 300 hours during the Co-op session; five to eightnew tasks must be delineated in the Learning Proposal; and thecourse requirements must be completed. May be repeated uponapproval <strong>of</strong> a new Learning Proposal that demonstrates new tasksand objectives related to anthropology and that continues to advanceapplication <strong>of</strong> academic theory in the workplace. Studentsmay earn up to 15 semester hours in all internship courseworkthrough Co-op toward a first bachelor’s degree and up to 9 semesterhours toward a second bachelor’s degree. Co-op credits maynot be used for general education requirements and, unless otherwisespecified, no more than 6 Co-op credits may be used in theacademic major and minor (combined).111

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