1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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2. A student may, by a signed writing, waive his orher right <strong>of</strong> access to confidential recommendationsin three areas: admission to any educational institution,job placement, and receipt <strong>of</strong> honors andawards. UMUC will not require such waivers as acondition for admission or receipt <strong>of</strong> any service orbenefit normally provided to students. If the studentchooses to waive his or her right <strong>of</strong> access, heor she will be notified, upon written request, <strong>of</strong> thenames <strong>of</strong> all persons making confidential recommendations.Such recommendations will be usedonly for the purpose for which they were specificallyintended. A waiver may be revoked in writing atany time; and the revocation will apply to all subsequentrecommendations, but not to recommendationsreceived while the waiver was in effect.B. Custodians <strong>of</strong> Education RecordsThe custodian <strong>of</strong> education records is1. For UMUC–Adelphi: the registrar located inAdelphi, <strong>Maryland</strong>.2. For UMUC–Asia: the registrar located in Tokyo,Japan.3. For UMUC–Europe (except the MannheimCampus): the registrar located in Heidelberg,Germany.4. For Mannheim: the assistant to the dean located inMannheim, Germany.5. For Schwäbisch Gmünd: the registrar located inAdelphi, <strong>Maryland</strong>.C. Procedure to Request Review and/or Inspection <strong>of</strong>Education RecordsRequests for review and/or inspection <strong>of</strong> educationrecords should be made in writing to the appropriatecustodian <strong>of</strong> records, as defined above. The custodian <strong>of</strong>records or designee will comply with a request for accesswithin a reasonable time by arranging for the student toreview his or her records in the presence <strong>of</strong> a staff member.If facilities permit, a student may obtain copies <strong>of</strong>his or her records by paying reproduction costs. The feefor copies is 50 cents per page. UMUC will not providecopies <strong>of</strong> any transcripts in the student’s records otherthan the student’s current UMUC transcript. Officialtranscripts (with the seal <strong>of</strong> UMUC) will be providedfor a separate fee.IV.Amendment <strong>of</strong> Education RecordsStudents may request an amendment <strong>of</strong> their educationrecords in accordance with this procedure:A. Request to Amend Education RecordsA student who believes that his or her education recordis inaccurate, misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong> the student’srights <strong>of</strong> privacy may ask the custodian <strong>of</strong> the educationrecords to amend the record. The custodian <strong>of</strong> the educationrecords or designee will decide whether to amendthe record within a reasonable time after the request. Ifthe custodian <strong>of</strong> the education records or designeedecides not to amend the record, he or she will informthe student <strong>of</strong> the right to a hearing.B. Hearings1. A student may submit a written request for a hearingto challenge the content <strong>of</strong> his or her educationrecords to the university registrar and vice provost,Student Affairs. The written request must statewhat records the student believes are inaccurate,misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong> the privacy rights <strong>of</strong>the student.2. A hearing will be conducted by the university registrarand vice provost, Student Affairs, or designee.The hearing may take place via telephone or videoconferencing. The student will be given an opportunityto present evidence relevant to the issuesraised and may be assisted or represented by individuals<strong>of</strong> his or her choice at his or her ownexpense, including an attorney.3. Within a reasonable period <strong>of</strong> time after the conclusion<strong>of</strong> a hearing, the university registrar andvice provost, Student Affairs, will notify the studentin writing <strong>of</strong> his decision. The written decision willinclude a summary <strong>of</strong> the evidence and the reasonsfor the decision.a. If the university registrar and vice provost,Student Affairs, determines that the educationrecord is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong>the privacy <strong>of</strong> the student, the education recordswill be amended. The university registrar andvice provost, Student Affairs, will inform the student<strong>of</strong> the amendment in writing.302

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