1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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A passing grade is recorded on the permanent record and conferscredit toward graduation. However, courses graded P are not includedin calculating grade-point averages.Satisfactory: The Grade <strong>of</strong> SThe grade <strong>of</strong> S is equivalent to a grade <strong>of</strong> C or higher. This gradeis used to denote satisfactory progress in an experiential setting orpracticum, such as EXCL 301. Although the grade <strong>of</strong> S conferscredit and appears on the permanent record, courses graded S arenot used in determining grade-point averages.Failure: The Grade <strong>of</strong> FThe grade <strong>of</strong> F means a failure to satisfy the minimum requirements<strong>of</strong> a course. Although it carries no credit, it is included incalculating the grade-point average. A student assigned the grade<strong>of</strong> F must register again for the course, pay the applicable fees,repeat the course, and earn a passing grade in order to receivecredit for that course.Failure for Nonattendance: The Grade <strong>of</strong> FNThe grade <strong>of</strong> FN means a failure in the course because the studenthas not attended or participated in course assignments andactivities. It is assigned when the student ceases to attend class buthas not <strong>of</strong>ficially withdrawn.Grade Under Review: The Mark <strong>of</strong> GThe mark <strong>of</strong> G is an exceptional and temporary administrativemark given only when the final grade in the course is underreview. It is not the same as a mark <strong>of</strong> Incomplete.Incomplete: The Mark <strong>of</strong> IThe mark <strong>of</strong> I (incomplete) is an exceptional mark given only tostudents whose work in a course has been satisfactory but who forreasons beyond their control have been unable to complete all therequirements <strong>of</strong> a course. The following criteria must be met:• The student must have completed at least 60 percent <strong>of</strong> thework in the course with a grade <strong>of</strong> C or better.• The mark <strong>of</strong> I must be requested before the end <strong>of</strong> the course.The procedure for awarding the mark <strong>of</strong> I is as follows:• The student must ask the teacher for a mark <strong>of</strong> I. (Teacherscannot award a mark <strong>of</strong> I on their own initiative.)• The teacher decides whether to grant the request.• The teacher sets a date (no more than six months after submittingthe original grade) for completion <strong>of</strong> the remaining requirements<strong>of</strong> the course.• The teacher and the student together agree on the remainingrequirements <strong>of</strong> the course and the deadline for submitting thework.• The student is responsible for completing the work.• After the work is completed, the teacher submits a grade changeto replace the mark <strong>of</strong> I on the student’s record with a grade.If the mark <strong>of</strong> I is not made up within six months or by the agreedupondeadline, the I is changed to an F. Students should be awarethat a mark <strong>of</strong> I in their final semester may delay graduation.The mark <strong>of</strong> I cannot be removed by means <strong>of</strong> credit by examination,nor can it be replaced by a mark <strong>of</strong> W (defined below). Studentswho elect to repeat an incomplete course must register again for thecourse, pay all applicable fees, and repeat the course. For purposes <strong>of</strong>academic retention, the course grade is counted as an F. The mark <strong>of</strong> Iis not used in determining grade-point averages.Withdrawal: The Mark <strong>of</strong> WStudents may receive the mark <strong>of</strong> W by withdrawing by telephonethrough the Interactive Registration and Information System (IRIS),by completing a registration-change form in Undergraduate StudentAffairs, or by submitting a written request at least two weeks beforethe last scheduled class in a semester or term. (For accelerated courses,withdrawals must be submitted before the close <strong>of</strong> business onthe first day <strong>of</strong> class.) Any <strong>of</strong> these procedures constitutes <strong>of</strong>ficialwithdrawal.This mark appears on the permanent record unless withdrawal iscompleted before a course begins. For purposes <strong>of</strong> academic retention,the mark <strong>of</strong> W is counted as attempted hours. It is not usedin determining grade-point averages.Changes in GradeTeachers may change a grade previously assigned through theInteractive Faculty Information System (IFIS). Any change mustbe made no later than six months after the original grade wasawarded.Grading Repeated CoursesWhen a course is repeated, only the higher grade earned in thetwo attempts is included in the calculation <strong>of</strong> the GPA. For purposes<strong>of</strong> academic retention, both attempts are counted. Bothgrades are entered on the permanent record, with a notation indicatingthat the course was repeated. Students cannot increasethe total hours earned toward a degree by repeating a course forwhich a passing grade was conferred previously.To establish credit in a course previously failed or withdrawnfrom, students must register, pay the full tuition and fees, andrepeat the entire course successfully.233

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