1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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HIST 305 The Pacific Century (3)(Formerly BEHS 305. May be applied toward a specialization inbehavioral and social sciences. Fulfills the historical or internationalperspective requirement.) An interdisciplinary introductionto contemporary East and Southeast Asia that surveys the political,economic, and cultural changes <strong>of</strong> the past 100 years—-fromcolonialism to nationalism and from military clashes to economicproblems. Focus is on understanding the sources <strong>of</strong> the region’sdynamics and the roots <strong>of</strong> its diversity. The contrasting themes <strong>of</strong>tradition and modernization, as well as American attitudes <strong>of</strong> isolationismand expansion toward Asia, are explored. The historicand geographic context for both the development <strong>of</strong> the Pacificbasin and its impact on the global community is illuminated.Video programs from the series “The Pacific Century” are integratedwith the course materials. Students may receive credit foronly one <strong>of</strong> the following courses: ASTD 305, BEHS 305, orHIST 305.HIST 309 Introduction to HistoricalWriting (3)Recommended: 12 credits in history. A study <strong>of</strong> the methods andproblems <strong>of</strong> historical research and presentation. Assignmentsinclude a major research paper.HIST 316 Advanced Topics in Regional andNational History (1–3)An in-depth study <strong>of</strong> the histories <strong>of</strong> specific regions or nations.Assignments include advanced reading and research. Students mayreceive credit for a given topic in either HIST 216 or HIST 316only once.HIST 317 Advanced Topics in Urban andLocal History (1–3)An in-depth study <strong>of</strong> the histories <strong>of</strong> specific cities or localities.Assignments include advanced reading and research. Students mayreceive credit for a given topic in either HIST 217 or HIST 317only once.HIST 318 Advanced Topics in MilitaryHistory (1–3)An in-depth study <strong>of</strong> specific battles, campaigns, or wars. Assignmentsinclude advanced reading and research. Students mayreceive credit for a given topic in either HIST 218 or HIST 318only once.HIST 319 Special Topics in History (3)An in-depth study <strong>of</strong> specific topics, themes, events, or problemsin history. Assignments include advanced reading and research.Students may receive credit for a given topic in either HIST 219or HIST 319 only once.HIST 336 Europe in the 19th Century:1815 to 1919 (3)(Fulfills the historical or international perspective requirement.) Astudy <strong>of</strong> the political, economic, social, and cultural development<strong>of</strong> Europe from the Congress <strong>of</strong> Vienna to World War I.HIST 337 Europe in the World SettingSince 1914 (3)(Fulfills the historical or international perspective requirement.)An investigation <strong>of</strong> the political, economic, and cultural developments<strong>of</strong> Europe since 1914, with special emphasis on the factorsinvolved in the two world wars and their worldwide effects andsignificance.HIST 360 America in the Colonial Era:1600 to 1763 (3)An investigation <strong>of</strong> the founding <strong>of</strong> the English colonies inAmerica. Topics include the European backgrounds <strong>of</strong> thecolonies, the reasons for the instability <strong>of</strong> colonial society, theemergence <strong>of</strong> stable societies after 1689, and the development<strong>of</strong> colonial regionalism. Also discussed are political institutions,social divisions, the economy, religion, education, and urbanand frontier problems in the 18th century.HIST 364 Emergence <strong>of</strong> Modern America:1900 to 1945 (3)A study <strong>of</strong> the emergence <strong>of</strong> modern American institutions andidentities in the years 1900–45. Topics include the presidencies <strong>of</strong>McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson; the world wars; the GreatDepression; and the period <strong>of</strong> the New Deal. Special considerationis also given to emerging issues such as the role <strong>of</strong> womenand African Americans, corporate enterprises, and the welfarestate.HIST 365 Recent America: 1945 to thePresent (3)A survey <strong>of</strong> U.S. history from the presidencies <strong>of</strong> Truman andEisenhower to the present. Topics include 1960s’ radicalism, theCold War, Vietnam, Watergate, and changes in American society.186

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