1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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PsychologyStudents may seek either an academic major or minor in psychology.Major in PsychologyThe psychology major produces graduates with a knowledge base<strong>of</strong> theory and research in the psychological sciences and the abilityto use the principles <strong>of</strong> psychology to help improve human, animal,and environmental welfare. The curriculum applies psychologicalknowledge to nonscientific fields and the workplace and promotesmulticultural and multinational awareness. This major also introducesstudents to the basis <strong>of</strong> collaborative and pr<strong>of</strong>essional relationshipswithin psychology and identifies the foundations anddelivery systems <strong>of</strong> the mental health pr<strong>of</strong>ession.ObjectivesThe student who graduates with a degree in psychology will beable to•Recognize how knowledge <strong>of</strong> psychology can facilitate careeradvancement and help people improve their interpersonal relationshipsacross cultural and national boundaries.•Examine psychology in a broad context <strong>of</strong> interdisciplinaryapproaches that cover cultural diversity, historical and politicalperspectives, and current issues.•Practice critical observation, experimentation, and empirical reasoningin psychology theory and research.•Apply theory and research in psychology to practical situationsand problems.•Effectively communicate psychological concepts and criticalthinking in oral and written form (such as research presentationsand papers).• Conduct scientific research, including accessing technical information,writing papers and presenting research, and using computersin psychology.Requirements for the MajorA major in psychology requires the completion <strong>of</strong> 33 semesterhours <strong>of</strong> coursework in psychology, including 9 semester hours inpsychology as a natural science, 9 semester hours in psychology asa social science, and 6 semester hours in psychology as a clinicalscience. At least 17 semester hours must be earned in coursesnumbered 300 or above. Specific course requirements are listed atright.For a listing <strong>of</strong> all the requirements for the bachelor’s degree, studentsshould refer to pp. 22–23.Psychology Coursework (33 s.h.)Required Introductory Courses (9 s.h.)Students must take the following introductory courses:PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (3)PSYC 305 Experimental Methods in Psychology (3)Students must take one <strong>of</strong> the following statistics courses:PSYC 200 Introduction to Statistical Methods in Psychology (3)STAT 200 Introduction to Statistics (3)Natural Science Psychology Courses (9 s.h.)Students must take three <strong>of</strong> the following courses:BIOL 362 Neurobiology (3)PSYC 301 Biological Basis <strong>of</strong> Behavior (3)PSYC 310 Perception (3)PSYC 315 Motivation (3)PSYC 341 Introduction to Memory and Cognition (3)PSYC 391 Introduction to Neuropsychology (3)PSYC 402 Physiological Psychology (3)PSYC 441 Psychology <strong>of</strong> Human Learning (3)Social Science Psychology Courses (9 s.h.)Students must take three <strong>of</strong> the following courses:PSYC 221 Social Psychology (3)PSYC 345 Group Dynamics (3)PSYC 354 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)PSYC 355 Child Psychology (3)PSYC 357 Psychology <strong>of</strong> Adulthood and Aging (3)PSYC 361 Survey <strong>of</strong> Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3)PSYC 424 Communication and Persuasion (3)Clinical Science Psychology Courses (6 s.h.)Students must take two <strong>of</strong> the following courses:PSYC 353 Adult Psychopathology (3)PSYC 432 Introduction to Counseling Psychology (3)PSYC 435 Personality Theories (3)PSYC 436 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)PSYC 451 Principles <strong>of</strong> Psychological Testing (3)Minor in PsychologyThe psychology minor complements the skills the student gainsin his or her major discipline by investigating the nature <strong>of</strong> mindand behavior, including the biological basis <strong>of</strong> behavior, perception,memory and cognition, the influence <strong>of</strong> environmental andsocial forces on the individual, personality, life-span developmentand adjustment, research methods, and statistical analysis.79

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