1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (41 S.H.)A. Communications (12 s.h.)• ENGL 101 or ENGL 101X (3 s.h.)Must be completed within first 15 s.h. Placement test required. May not be earned through credit by examination.• Another writing course (3 s.h.)All 3-credit COMM courses (except COMM 300, 380, 400, 486A, 486B, and 493); ENGL 102, 278F, 291, 294,303, 391, 391X, 396*, 480, 482, 483, 485, and 493; and JOUR 201 apply.• A third course in writing or a course in speech communication (3 s.h.)All COMM and SPCH courses (except 486A and 486B); ENGL 102, 278F, 281, 281X, 291, 294, 303, 384, 391,391X, 396*, 480, 482, 483, 485, and 493; and JOUR 201 apply.• An upper-level intensive writing course (3 s.h.)ENGL 303, 391, 391X, and 396*; COMM 390, 393, 393X, 394, and 394X; and LGST 401 apply. May not beearned through credit by examination.No more than 3 s.h. <strong>of</strong> writing credit may be earned through credit by examination.B. Arts and Humanities (6 s.h.)One course each in two <strong>of</strong> the following disciplines: ARTH, ARTT, HIST, HUMN, MUSC, PHIL, THET, dance, literature,or foreign languageC. Behavioral and Social Sciences (6 s.h.)One course each in two <strong>of</strong> the following disciplines: ANTH, BEHS, CCJS (CCJS 105, 330, 350, 360, 432, 451, 452, 453,454, and 461 only), ECON, GEOG, GERO (except GERO 341, 342, 351, and 353), GVPT, PSYC, or SOCYD. Biological and Physical Sciences (7 s.h.)• A science lecture course (3 s.h.) with related laboratory course (1 s.h.) or a science course combining lecture and laboratory (4 s.h.)• Any other science course (3 s.h.)Courses from the following disciplines satisfy both requirements: ASTR, BIOL, BSCI, CHEM, GEOL, NSCI, PHYS,biotechnology, botany, entomology, general science, and zoology.E. Mathematics (3 s.h.)MATH 105, MATH 107, or a course at or above the level <strong>of</strong> college algebraMust be completed within first 15 s.h. Placement test required.Note: MATH 107 or any higher-level mathematics course is required for majors in all computing areas and most business-related areas.Students should refer to the specific major for requirements or recommendations.F. Interdisciplinary or Emerging Issues (7 s.h.)• For all students: One course (LIBS 150) in information literacy and research methods (1 s.h.), which must be completedwithin the first 15 s.h.• For computing majors: One course satisfying the international perspective requirement and one course satisfying thecivic responsibility requirement (6 s.h.)Applicable courses are listed on pp. 27–29.• For noncomputing majors: A total <strong>of</strong> 6 s.h. in computing courses as follows:- IFSM 201 (3 s.h.)- An additional computing course appropriate to the academic major (3 s.h.)Students should refer to the specific major for requirements or recommendations. Unless otherwise specified, upperorlower-level courses in CMIS, CMIT, CMSC, CMST, and IFSM; ACCT 326; BMGT 301; and LGST 360 and363A apply. Note: IFSM 300 or ACCT 326 is required for business-related majors.* ENGL 396 is a 6-credit course that earns 3 credits in upper-level writing and 3 credits in humanities.22

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