1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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Requirements for the MajorA major in legal studies requires the completion <strong>of</strong> 33 semesterhours <strong>of</strong> coursework in legal studies, at least 17 <strong>of</strong> which must beearned in courses numbered 300 or above. Specific course requirementsare listed below.For a listing <strong>of</strong> all the requirements for the bachelor’s degree, studentsshould refer to pp. 22–23.Legal Studies Coursework (33 s.h.)Required Foundation Courses (12 s.h.)Students must take the following foundation courses:LGST 101 Introduction to Law (3)LGST 200 Techniques <strong>of</strong> Legal Research (3)LGST 201 Legal Writing (3)LGST 204 Legal Ethics (3)Procedure and Skill Courses (9 s.h. )Students must take three <strong>of</strong> the following procedure and skill courses:*LGST 320 Criminal Law and Procedures (3)LGST 322 Evidence (3)LGST 325 Litigation (3)LGST 327 Alternative Dispute Resolution (3)LGST 330 Administrative Law (3)LGST 360 Computer Applications in the Legal Environment (3)LGST 363A Computer-Assisted Litigation Support (3)LGST 370 Advanced Legal Analysis (3)LGST 398P Administrative Advocacy (3)LGST 400 Advanced Legal Research (3)LGST 401 Advanced Legal Writing (3)LGST 425 Advanced Civil Litigation (3)LGST 486A Legal Studies Internship Through Co-op (3)LGST 486B Legal Studies Internship Through Co-op (6)Substantive Law Courses (9 s.h. )Students must take three <strong>of</strong> the following substantive law courses:*LGST 312 Torts (3)LGST 315 Domestic Relations (3)LGST 316 Estates and Probate (3)LGST 335 Elder Law (3)LGST 340 Contract Law (3)LGST 343 Real Estate Transactions (3)LGST 411 Consumer Protection Law (3)LGST 415 Intellectual Property (3)LGST 420 Immigration Law (3)LGST 431 Government Information Practices (3)LGST 432 Environmental Law (3)LGST 434 Government Contracts (3)LGST 442 Business Organizations (3)LGST 445 Employment Law (3)LGST 450 Bankruptcy Law (3)* Up to 6 semester hours <strong>of</strong> 1-semester-hour special topic courses in legal studies mayalso be used to satisfy the procedure and skill or substantive law course requirements.Supplemental Major Course (3 s.h.)Students must take one additional course, to be selected either from the twoprevious lists or from the following courses in related disciplines:CCJS 432 Law <strong>of</strong> Corrections (3)CCJS 453 White-Collar and Organized Crime (3)COMM 400 Communication and the Law (3)ENMT 493 Environmental Regulations and Policy (3)FSCN 412 Political and Legal Foundations <strong>of</strong> Fire Protection (3)GVPT 399B The Legislative Process and Lobbying Techniques (3)GVPT 402 International Law (3)GVPT 434 Race Relations and Public Law (3)Management StudiesStudents may seek either an academic major or minor in managementstudies.Major in Management StudiesThe management studies major is based on the premise that manyfor-pr<strong>of</strong>it, nonpr<strong>of</strong>it, and governmental organizations require aknowledge <strong>of</strong> management principles best gained from a holisticapproach to decision making. Using a multidisciplinary approach tomanagement and problem solving, the management studies majorprepares students for a variety <strong>of</strong> management-related careers. Thecurriculum includes a foundation in business, accounting, economics,statistics, communications, and management theory and focuseson analysis and decision making across a wide spectrum <strong>of</strong> managementactivities.ObjectivesThe student who graduates with a major in management studieswill be able to•Use a multidisciplinary approach in researching organizationalproblems, issues, and opportunities.•Analyze information, solve problems, and make decisions froma holistic, global perspective.•Apply important management concepts and theories from severaldisciplines.•Evaluate various strategies and operations for business, not-forpr<strong>of</strong>it,and governmental organizations to determine the bestapproach.•Examine the global dimensions involved in managing business,not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it, and governmental organizations.•Analyze global competition and competitive strategies.• Assess important trends in international ventures, marketing,financing, and human resource management.72

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