1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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PSYC 307 Special Topics in Psychology:Natural Science Theme (1–3)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Seminar discussion <strong>of</strong> topics <strong>of</strong> currentinterest. The areas explored may extend or augment those coveredin more general topical courses. May be repeated to a maximum<strong>of</strong> 6 credits when topics differ.PSYC 307C Computers and Psychology (1)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. A broad discussion <strong>of</strong> the various waysin which the fields <strong>of</strong> computing and psychology intersect. Thegrowing field <strong>of</strong> “cyberpsychology”—the study <strong>of</strong> how people usethe Internet to obtain and process information, build relationships ata distance, and learn in a virtual environment—is explored. Clinicaland educational applications <strong>of</strong> computers are addressed, as aredata collection and analysis. Class participation is emphasized.PSYC 307D Improving Memory andThinking (1)(Formerly PSYC 309D.) Prerequisite: PSYC 100. A presentation<strong>of</strong> methods <strong>of</strong> improving memory and thinking as outcomes <strong>of</strong>basic theory and research. Assignments include workshop activitiesand critical review <strong>of</strong> relevant research.PSYC 307G Parapsychology (1)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An introduction to parapsychology andexperimental methods used in that field. Topics include the history<strong>of</strong> parapsychology, superstition and science, ESP in the laboratory,evidence for life after death, and reincarnation. Rival explanationsfor phenomena are considered critically.PSYC 307H Sleep and Dreams (1)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An introduction to the clinical, cultural,and research aspects <strong>of</strong> sleep and dreams. Topics include historicaland theoretical approaches to sleep and dreams, sleep deprivationand disorders, biological rhythms, typical dreams, and dreaminterpretation.PSYC 307S Psychology <strong>of</strong> Humor (1)(Formerly PSYC 309S.) Prerequisite: PSYC 100. A presentation <strong>of</strong>the theory and research on the concept <strong>of</strong> humor. Topics includepersonality and the development <strong>of</strong> a sense <strong>of</strong> humor, as well as therelationship between humor, health, and psychotherapy.PSYC 307X Substance Abuse: AnIntroduction (1)(Formerly PSYC 309X.) Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An introductionto the study <strong>of</strong> drug abuse. Topics include the causes, symptoms,and defenses for substance abuse, as well as prevention and treatment.Biology, personality, life style, and relationships with families,peers, and communities are reviewed. Drug abuse is comparedto other social problems, including self-destructive, highrisk,and sabotaging behavior. How different cultures respondto drug abuse is also addressed. Practice exercises, observations,interviews, and media summaries supplement class discussions.PSYC 308 Special Topics in Psychology:Social Science Theme (1–3)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. Seminar discussion <strong>of</strong> topics <strong>of</strong> currentinterest. The areas explored may extend or augment those coveredin more general topical courses. May be repeated to a maximum<strong>of</strong> 6 credits when topics differ.PSYC 308A Creative Problem Solving (1)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An investigation <strong>of</strong> psychological theory,research, and practical applications <strong>of</strong> creative problem solving.Emphasis is on learning successful problem-solving techniques forpersonal growth and job enrichment. Students may receive creditfor only one <strong>of</strong> the following courses: PSYC 308A or PSYC 309A.PSYC 308B Sexual Prejudice andDiscrimination (1)(Formerly PSYC 309B.) Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An overview <strong>of</strong>psychological and social research and theory, covering variousways in which sexist thought and practice are manifested in society.Topics include foundations <strong>of</strong> sexism, overt sexism, subtle andcovert sexism, and outcomes and reduction <strong>of</strong> sexism.PSYC 308E Cultivating Executive Skills (1)Prerequisite: PSYC 100. A presentation <strong>of</strong> relevant behavioral andmanagerial science theory, research, and real-world applications <strong>of</strong>leadership training. Focus is on applied executive skills. Issues <strong>of</strong>workplace diversity, technology, and effective use <strong>of</strong> humanresources are also covered.PSYC 308H Psychology <strong>of</strong> Motivating Peopleat Work (1)(Formerly PSYC 309H.) Prerequisite: PSYC 100. An examination<strong>of</strong> successful strategies for motivating people in work settings.Basic theories <strong>of</strong> work motivation are covered. Focus is on identifyingmanagerial and personal motivational strategies in organizationsthrough review <strong>of</strong> relevant research and case studies.217

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