1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

1a. IntroSUS 2003 - University of Maryland University College

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COMM 319E Marketing Your Writing (1)A study <strong>of</strong> how to market one’s writing, focusing not only on sellingto the right publisher but on making the best deal for one’swork. Topics include planning a writing strategy, selecting appropriatepublishers, negotiating compensation, and promoting thework after publication.COMM 380 Language in Social Contexts (3)(Fulfills the general education requirement in communications,but is not a writing course. Fulfills the historical or internationalperspective requirement.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101. An examination<strong>of</strong> the linguistic components <strong>of</strong> languages, with special emphasison the English language, its origins, continued development,and use in speaking and writing. Categories <strong>of</strong> speech andmethods <strong>of</strong> written communication are examined from the perspective<strong>of</strong> regional and social variation. Cultural, gender, andracial variations are discussed, along with underlying perspectivesand assumptions.COMM 390 Writing for Managers (3)(Fulfills the general education requirement in intensive upperlevelwriting.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101. A practicum in the kinds<strong>of</strong> writing skills that managers need for the workplace. Communicationskills emphasized include planning information, developingreader-based prose, improving personal writing performance andguiding the writing <strong>of</strong> subordinates, and mastering such writingtasks as strategic plans and performance appraisals. Students mayreceive credit for only one <strong>of</strong> the following courses: COMM 390or HUMN 390.COMM 393 Technical Writing (3)(Students for whom English is a second language should considertaking COMM 393X instead. Fulfills the general education requirementin intensive upper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101.The writing <strong>of</strong> technical papers and reports. Focus is on buildingskills in critical thinking, research, and document design. Assignmentsinclude composing a total <strong>of</strong> 6,000 words (approximately25 pages) in various formats (e.g., the oral presentation, therésumé, correspondence, manuals, procedures, instructions, anddifferent types <strong>of</strong> reports, including proposal, progress, analytic,and feasibility). Students may receive credit for only one <strong>of</strong> thefollowing courses: COMM 393, COMM 393X, ENGL 393, orENGL 393X.COMM 393X Technical Writing (3)(Enrollment restricted to students for whom English is a secondlanguage. Fulfills the general education requirement in intensiveupper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101X. The writing <strong>of</strong>technical papers and reports. Focus is on building skills in criticalthinking, research, and document design. Assignments includecomposing a total <strong>of</strong> 6,000 words (approximately 25 pages) invarious formats (e.g., the oral presentation, the résumé, correspondence,manuals, procedures, instructions, and different types <strong>of</strong>reports, including proposal, progress, analytic, and feasibility).Students may receive credit for only one <strong>of</strong> the following courses:COMM 393, COMM 393X, ENGL 393, or ENGL 393X.COMM 394 Business Writing (3)(Students for whom English is a second language should considertaking COMM 394X instead. Fulfills the general education requirementin intensive upper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101. Anintroduction to pr<strong>of</strong>essional workplace writing. Topics include context,purpose, audience, style, organization, format, technology,results, and strategies for persuasion when writing typical workplacemessages. In addition to shorter assignments, a substantial formalreport that incorporates data analysis and support for conclusions orrecommendations is required. Assignments include composing atotal <strong>of</strong> 6,000 words (approximately 25 pages). Students may receivecredit for only one <strong>of</strong> the following courses: COMM 394, COMM394X, ENGL 394, or ENGL 394X.COMM 394X Business Writing (3)(Enrollment restricted to students for whom English is a secondlanguage. Fulfills the general education requirement in intensiveupper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101X. An introductionto pr<strong>of</strong>essional workplace writing. Topics include context, purpose,audience, style, organization, format, technology, results,and strategies for persuasion when writing typical workplace messages.In addition to shorter assignments, a substantial formalreport that incorporates data analysis and support for conclusionsor recommendations is required. Assignments include composinga total <strong>of</strong> 6,000 words (approximately 25 pages). Students mayreceive credit for only one <strong>of</strong> the following courses: COMM 394,COMM 394X, ENGL 394, or ENGL 394X.136

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