PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)


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<strong>PacifiCorp</strong> – <strong>2007</strong> IRPChapter 5 – <strong>Resource</strong> Optionspaid on a monthly basis. Although there are no large scale DLC programs in the Northwest,Portland General Electric (PGE) and Puget Sound Energy (PSE) have both studied implementationthrough pilot programs. Nationally, there are many utilities with space and/or waterheating controls, including Duke Power, Wisconsin Power and Light, Great River Energy,and Alliant Energy.● Summer – The main demand reduction (DR) product in this group is direct load control ofair-conditioning units, which are typically dispatched during the hottest summer days, andare common place due to the relatively high summer loads in warm climates. <strong>PacifiCorp</strong> currentlypays monthly incentives to residential and small commercial participants in Utah’sCool Keeper AC Load Control program. There is approximately 1<strong>30</strong> megawatts of connectedload for this program, which is expected to increase to 180 megawatt by summer <strong>2007</strong>. Usinga 50% cycling dispatch strategy, approximately half can be expected during an event. In additionto those utilities listed above, Nevada Power, Florida Power and Light, Alliant Energy,MidAmerican Energy and the major utilities in California run air conditioner direct load controlprograms (e.g., Sacramento Municipal Utility District and San Diego Gas and Electric).● Large Commercial and Industrial – Direct control of large commercial and industrial(C&I) customers requires coordination with the existing energy management systems (EMS).The focus of this program type is adjustment of the HVAC equipment during the top summerhours. Incentives are generally paid on a per-kW or per-ton (of cooling equipment) basis.Some utilities running comparable programs include Florida Light & Power, Hawaiian Electric,and Southern California Edison.Scheduled-firm program strategies are those that provide consistent reductions during prespecifiedhours, and target customers with usage patterns and technology that allow scheduledshifting of consumption from peak to off-peak periods. These program strategies include thefollowing:● Irrigation Pumping – Irrigation load control is a candidate for summer DR due to the relativelylow load factor (approximately <strong>30</strong>%) of pumping equipment and the coincidence ofthese loads with system summer peak. Through <strong>PacifiCorp</strong>’s irrigation load control program,customers subscribe in advance for specific days and hours when their irrigation systems willbe turned off. Load curtailment is executed automatically based on a pre-determined schedulethrough a timer device. Although a total of 100 megawatts is contracted with this program,only half is available due to the alternating schedules of program participants. In theNorthwest, Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) has run a pilot irrigation program (on a dispatch,rather than scheduled, basis) and Idaho Power has a program similar to that of Pacifi-Corp.● Thermal Energy Storage – For small commercial and industrial customers, it is possible tohave thermal energy storage (TES) cooling systems that produce ice during off-peak periods,which is then used during the on-peak period to cool the building. The system is programmedto use ice-cooling during pre-specified times (typically six hours per day, from April to October)and participants are given incentives on a per-kW or per-ton-of-cooling basis.111

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