PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)


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<strong>PacifiCorp</strong> – <strong>2007</strong> IRPChapter 3 – The <strong>Plan</strong>ning EnvironmentTHE IMPACT OF STATE RESOURCE POLICIES ON SYSTEM-WIDE PLANNINGA new planning issue that <strong>PacifiCorp</strong> is dealing with for this IRP cycle is the rapid evolution ofstate-specific resource policies that place, or are expected to place, constraints on <strong>PacifiCorp</strong>’sresource selection decisions. As discussed earlier in this chapter, these policies cover CO 2 emissions,renewable energy, energy efficiency, load control, distributed generation, and the promotionof advanced clean coal and carbon sequestration technologies. Table 3.1 represents an inventoryof state policy actions and events that occurred in 2006, and so far in <strong>2007</strong>, that impact<strong>PacifiCorp</strong>’s integrated resource planning process now and in the future.Considerable complexity is added to system-wide resource planning and the supporting modelingprocess as a result of these policies. In addition, disparate state interests, as expressed in priorIRP acknowledgement proceedings and throughout the <strong>2007</strong> IRP development cycle, complicatesthe company’s ability to address state IRP requirements to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.Table 3.1 – State <strong>Resource</strong> Policy Developments for 2006 and <strong>2007</strong>2006 <strong>2007</strong>January: Oregon PUC, in its 2004 IRP acknowledgementorder, does not acknowledgea near-term “high-capacity-factor” resource,and requires that <strong>PacifiCorp</strong> explorecoal deferral options until IGCC is commercializedJanuary: Oregon PUC rejects the 2004 IRPUpdate Action <strong>Plan</strong>February: Oregon Renewable Energy WorkingGroup is formedMarch: Oregon, California, and Washingtonjoin other petitioners in asking the U.S. SupremeCourt whether the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency has the authorityto regulate carbon dioxide and other air pollutantsassociated with climatechangeApril: Idaho moratorium on coal-firedplants is issued.August: Utah Blue Ribbon Advisory Councilon Climate Change formedSeptember: California adopts a carbon cap(AB 32)January: The California PUC adopts agreenhouse gas emission performancestandard for generatorsJanuary: The Oregon PUC rejects Pacifi-Corp’s 2012 RFPJanuary: The Oregon Carbon AllocationTask Force recommends a CO 2 load-basedcap-and-trade model ruleFebruary: The Washington Governorsigns Executive Order 07-02 setting climatechange-related rules, including greenhousegas emissions capsFebruary: Washington introduces legislationsetting carbon caps and a GHG emissionsperformance standardFebruary: the Western Regional ClimateChange Action Initiative announced byCalifornia, Oregon, Washington, NewMexico, and ArizonaFebruary: Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, andNorth Dakota announce the NextGen EnergyAlliance, which is to promote ad-58

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