PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)

PacifiCorp 2007 Integrated Resource Plan (May 30, 2007)


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<strong>PacifiCorp</strong> – <strong>2007</strong> IRPChapter 7 – Modeling and<strong>Plan</strong>ning Reserve Margin SelectionWhile Portfolio RA14 is based on a target planning reserve margin of 12 percent, <strong>PacifiCorp</strong> istargeting a reserve margin range of 12 to 15 percent to increase planning flexibility given a timeof rapid public policy evolution and wide uncertainty over the resulting down-stream cost impacts.While the portfolio analysis indicates that lowering the planning reserve margin increasesportfolio stochastic risk and reduces reliability, the decision on what margin to adopt is a subjectiveone that depends on balancing portfolio risk against cost. Given the expected pressure oncustomer rates due to state resource constraints, as well as the rapid pace of construction costincreases for all resource types, near-term affordability of a resource plan is a consideration guidingthe planning margin decision.<strong>PacifiCorp</strong>’s choice to adopt a 12 percent planning reserve margin is intended to keep the portfoliocost down while retaining the flexibility to adjust the margin upwards and acquire appropriateincremental resources. Market conditions, revised load growth projections, or new regional adequacystandards may prompt the company to increase the margin in response. Based on theGroup 2 portfolio analysis and the resource outlook developed for this IRP, a higher planningreserve margin would be met with a combination of gas generation and front office transactions,as can be seen in Portfolio RA16.An issue raised by public stakeholders is the impact of the planning reserve margin decision onsupply reliability. <strong>PacifiCorp</strong>’s view is that supply reliability is not materially impacted by aswing in the margin from 15 to 12 percent. The supply reliability analyses (Energy Not Servedand Loss of Load Probability) indicate that, with the exception of “all coal” portfolios such asRA13, there are no significant differences among the portfolios with respect to reliability. Asadditional evidence of this finding, comparing portfolio pairs intended to test the impact of a 15percent margin against a 12 percent margin (RA1 versus RA8, RA10 versus RA9, RA11 versusRA12, and RA16 versus RA14) yields small differences in average annual ENS of between 1.2MWa to 3.9 MWa.203

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