Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA


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312AcknowledgementsThis research was supported partially by funds from the RockefellerFoundation and BASF. We acknowledge Kenya Agricultural ResearchInstitute <strong>for</strong> making its facilities available to us <strong>for</strong> the research. Theexcellent cooperation given by the farmers in allowing the use of theirfi elds is gratefully acknowledged.ReferencesBerner, D.K., J.G. Kling, and B.B. Singh, 1995. Striga research and control. Aperspective from Africa. Plant Dis. 79: 652–660.Carsky, R.J., L. Singh, and R. Ndikawa, 1994. Suppression of Striga hermonthicaon sorghum using a cowpea intercrop. Expl. Agric. 30: 349–358.Carsky R.J., D.K. Berner, B.D. Oyewole, K. Dashiell, and S. Schulz, 2000.Reduction of Striga hermonthica parasitism on maize using soybeanrotation. Intl. J. Pest Management. 46: 115–120.Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001. 1999 population and housing census.Volume 1. Population distribution by administrative areas and urbancenters. Nairobi, Kenya. Ministry of Planning and National Development,Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Nairobi, Kenya.CIMMYT <strong>Maize</strong> Program, 1999. A User’s Manual <strong>for</strong> Fieldbook 5.1/7.1 andAlpha. CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT.Combari, A., R. Pineau, and M. Schiavon, 1990. Infl uence du degré dedécomposition de produits organiques sur la germination de graines deStriga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Weed Res. 30: 29–34.Diallo, A.O., J.K. Ransom, and B. Badu-Apraku, 1997. Heterosis andresistance/tolerance to Striga hermonthica. Pp 184-185 In CIMMYT,1997. Book of Abstracts, The genetics and exploitation of heterosis incrops; an International Symposium. Mexico, D.F., Mexico: CIMMYT, FAO.(http://apps.fao.org/page/collections?subset=agriculture, 2003.)Frost, H., 1995. Striga hermonthica surveys in western Kenya. Pp 145–150 InProc. Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. – Weeds. BCPC, Farnham, UK.Gacheru, E. and M.R. Rao, 2001. Managing Striga infestation on maizeusing organic and inorganic nutrient sources in western Kenya. Intl. J. PestManagement 47: 233–239.Hassan, R., J.K. Ransom, and J. Ojiem, 1995. The spatial distribution andfarmers’ strategies to control Striga in corn: Survey results from Kenya.Pp 250–254 In D.C. Jewell, S. Waddington, J. Ransom, and K. Pixley(ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional CornConference. CIMMYT, Harare, Zimbabwe.Kanampiu, F.K., J.K. Ransom and J. Gressel, 2001a. Imazapyr seed dressings<strong>for</strong> Striga control on acetolactate synthase target-site resistant maize. CropProtection 20: 885–895.

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