Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA


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377Socio-economic determinants of fertilizer useintensity <strong>for</strong> maize-based production systemsin the northern Guinea savanna of NigeriaS.A. Sanni 1 and W. Doppler 21Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Institute <strong>for</strong> AgriculturalResearch, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.2Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Sub-tropics,University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Germany.AbstractThere has been considerable interest in soil fertility management <strong>for</strong>increased crop productivity in the agricultural sector of developingcountries. This study aimed at understanding the current status ofsoil fertility management and the identifi cation of socio-economiccharacteristics infl uencing the decision of households on fertilizer useintensity in maize-based production systems in the northern Guineasavanna of Nigeria. A total of 160 households involved in maize–basedcropping were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to collectin<strong>for</strong>mation on household socioeconomic profi le and productiondata relating to the 2003/2004 cropping season. Data collectedwere analyzed using descriptive statistics and dichotomous binarylogit model. Analysis revealed that households combine techniqueslike application of organic and mineral fertilizer and crop plantingpattern in maintaining the fertility of their soils. Fertilizer use intensity,measured by ratio of (N + P 2O 5+ K 2O) and total area cultivated <strong>for</strong>all maize–based cropping were 204.5 and 221.7 kg/ha in Katsinaand Kaduna States respectively. The ratio of N: P 2O 5: K 2O/ha were49.5:98.3:56.7 in Katsina State and 58.7: 109.4: 53.6 in KadunaState. The estimated logit models revealed that fertilizer use intensityis signifi cantly infl uenced by previous year’s income, land ownership,engagement in off-farm activities and experience in maize farming.Structural trans<strong>for</strong>mation that would encourage intensifi cation in theuse of fertilizer in order to increase productivity among rural farmfamilies will need to take these variables into consideration.RésuméIl y a un interêt considérable dans la gestion de la fertilité du sol pourune augmentation de la productivité du secteur agriculture dans lespays en voie de developpement. Cette étude visait à comprendre lestatut actuel de la gestion de la fertilité du sol et l’identifi cation descaractéristiques socio-économiques infl uençant la décision des ménagessur l’intensité d’utilisation des engrais dans les systèmes de production

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