Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA

Demand-Driven Technologies for Sustainable Maize ... - IITA


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393Farm-specific efficiencyFor the investigation of the technical, allocative and economiceffi ciencies of improved maize producers, the following stochasticfrontier production function was estimated:lnY = β + β ln( land ) + β ln( labor )i 0 1 i 2i+ β ln( fertilizer) + β ln( materials ) + ( V −U)3 4i i i(9)where ln denotes the natural logarithm (base, e); Y idenotes the totalquantity of maize output in kg; land denotes the total land planted tomaize in hectares; labor denotes the total of family labor, exchangelabor, and hired labor used in man-days; materials denotes theimplicit quantity index of seeds and chemicals (pesticides, insecticides,herbicides, and fungicides) estimated as the value of all seeds andchemicals defl ated by a weighted price index of the inputs, theweights being the share of each input in total cost ; and βi, vi, uiareas defi ned earlier.The solution to the cost minimization problem in equation (10) isthe basis <strong>for</strong> deriving the dual cost frontier, given the input prices( Wk), parameter estimates of the stochastic frontier production functionβ ) and the adjusted output level Y .( ˆkKk = 1*iMin C = ∑ WkXkx(10)* ˆSubject to ˆ kYi= A∏X βkSubstitution of the cost k minimizing input quantities yields the followingdual cost function:* 1 2 α34 *CY ( , W) = ψW α AW α LWF W α MYμ(11)ˆwhere αk= μβk, μ = ( ∑ β ) ˆk−1K−μ1 ⎛ˆk , ˆ ˆ β ⎞kψ = A βkμ⎜ ∏ ⎟ ,⎝ k = 1 ⎠A ˆ = exp( βˆ0) , WAis the observed mean seasonal rent of a hectare ofland in Birr (1US$=8.50 Birr), WLis the observed mean daily wagesin Birr; WFis the price of fertilizer per kg in Birr; and WMis the priceindex of seeds and chemicals.Factors affecting efficiencySeveral factors could be hypothesized to explain technical, allocative,and economic effi ciency variations. Many authors (Kalirajan andShand 1989; Assefa 1995; Getachew 1995; Coelli and Battese 1996)suggested that the level of effi ciency of farmers is determined by a

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