GDF Annual Report - Gauteng Provincial Treasury

GDF Annual Report - Gauteng Provincial Treasury

GDF Annual Report - Gauteng Provincial Treasury


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SECTION 3: REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF PROGRAMMESApplication Management• Development of new systems and websites.E-Government• Ensuring the ease of service delivery andproviding a choice of interaction methods onbehalf of the people of <strong>Gauteng</strong> remains apriority. It is foreseen that significant progress willbe made in such areas as process automationand transactional citizen-centric applications.Areas of focus will include the implementationof automation products within the departmentsof the <strong>Gauteng</strong> <strong>Provincial</strong> Government.The following projects will continue into the newfinancial year notwithstanding the financial challengesexperienced by <strong>GDF</strong> TSS:• Bana-Pele - The programme aims to ensure thatorphaned and vulnerable children between theages 0-14 receive a comprehensive packageof services from the <strong>Gauteng</strong> provincialdepartments through a mechanism known asa single window. Central to the single windowpackage there is an identification, trackingand referral system which aims at assistingthe service providers to identify the needs ofchildren, provide a single point of contact withreferrals between the service providers, trackservices provided to children can eliminateduplication of processes.• <strong>Gauteng</strong> Online (schools) - The key objectivesof the programme are to create a sustainableschool based e-learning environment wherelearners maximize their educational experienceas follows: to provide every learner in publicschools with an e-mail address and free internetaccess; and to implement a technology enabledlearning environment.• Enterprise Wide Licensing (EWL) – EWL seeksto manage access to applications; expandinternally connected systems; convergephysical and logical security; and integrationinto National Identity Systems• Online Strategy - The project entails the useof SCIENTRIX approach is based on theMatrix, a simple idea with great impact, whichprovides: (1) order and clarity, (2) coordinationand alignment, (3) logic and sustainability; and(4) creativity and innovation.• Monitoring and Evaluation - The project isexpected to develop a measurement frameworkthat will be used to continuously monitor andevaluate the implementation of the GPGE-Government Programme• Official Launch of the Design and ValidationCentre• G-Link – the implementation of the programmewill enable the GPG to provide affordableaccess to broadband to 95% of the populationof <strong>Gauteng</strong>.• Portal- Portal Content Development - The GPGWebsite is a communication tool and amechanism for improved service delivery.The website is built around five main targetaudiences: The public (Government toCitizen), GPG staff (Government to Employee– Intranet), Government (Government toGovernment), Business (Government toBusiness), and Tourism (Government toTourists)- Portal Access Points - The primary objectiveof the project is to create access points forthe public in Government Departments, byproviding them with the relevant equipmentto make access possible to all governmentservices and information at the click of abutton.126126<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2010 / 2011

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