B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Figure 3.27

Ideal high-pass

and bandpass

filter frequency


IHCn l

0 · - . .





. )I

IHUl l




The unit impulse response h(t) of this filter is found from pair 18 in Table 3.1 and the timeshifting


h(t) = y - 1 [ TI ({B) e -j 2 n:ftd ]

= 2B sine [2rr B(t - td) I (3.59b)

Recall that h(t) is the system response to impulse input 8 (t ), which is applied at t = 0. Figure

3.26b shows a curious fact: the response h(t) begins even before the input is applied (at t = 0).

Clearly, the filter is noncausal and therefore unrealizable; that is, such a system is physically

impossible, since no sensible system can respond to an input before it is applied to the system.

Similarly, one can show that other ideal filters (such as the ideal high-pass or the ideal bandpass

filters shown in Fig. 3.27) are also physically unrealizable.

For a physically realizable system, h(t) must be causal; that is,

h(t) = 0 for t < 0

In the frequency domain, this condition is equivalent to the Paley-Wiener criterion, which

states that the necessary and sufficient condition for IH (f ) I to be the amplitude response of a

realizable ( or causal) system is*


1 !In IH (fll I

--- 2

df < oo

-oo 1 + (2rr.f)


If H (f) does not satisfy this condition, it is unrealizable. Note that if IH (f ) I = 0 over any

finite band, I lnlH (f) 11 = oo over that band, and the condition (3.60) is violated. If, however,

H(f) = 0 at a single frequency (or a set of discrete frequencies), the integral in Eq. (3.60)

may still be finite even though the integrand is infinite. Therefore, for a physically realizable

system, H (f) may be zero at some discrete frequencies, but it cannot be zero over any finite

band. According to this criterion, ideal filter characteristics (Figs. 3.26 and 3.27) are clearly


* IH (f) I is assumed to be square integrable. That is,

1-: IH(f) l 2 elf

is assumed to be finite.

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