B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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13 .7 Frequency-Selective Channel Capacity 777

This channel has a constant gain of H across the bandwidth. Based on Eq. (13.63) this bandlimited

(low-pass) AWGN channel with bandwidth B has capacity



in which S and N are the signal power and the noise power, respectively. Furthermore, in

Chapter 4 and Chapter 9, we have demonstrated the equivalence of baseband and passband

channels through modulation. Therefore, given the san1e noise spectrum and bandwidth,

AWGN low-pass, band-limited channels and AWGN bandpass channels possess identical

channel capacity. We are now ready to describe the capacity of frequency-selective channels.

Consider a bandpass channel of infinitesimal bandwidth l'lf centered at a frequency f;.

Within this small band, the channel gain is H (f;), the signal power spectral density (PSD) is

Sx (j;), and the Gaussian noise PSD is Sn (j;). Since this small bandwidth is basically a band

limited AWGN channel, according to Eq. (13.63), its capacity is

bit/s (13.82)

This means that we can divide a frequency-selective channel H (f) into small disjoint

A WGN bandpass channels of bandwidth fl/ . Thus, the sum channel capacity is simply

approximated by

In fact, the practical OFDM (or DMT) system discussed in Chapter 12 is precisely such a

system, which consists of a bank of parallel flat channels with different gains. This capacity

is an approximation because the channel response, the signal PSD, or the noise PSD, may

not be constant over a nonzero flf . By taking flf ➔ 0, we can determine the total channel

capacity as

Maximum Capacity Power Loading

C = J oo log [ 1 + I H (f) l 2 Sx if) ]



Sn if)


In Eq. (13.83), we have established that the capacity of a frequency-selective channel with

response H (f) under colored Gaussian noise of power spectral density (PSD) Sn (f) depends

on the input PSD Sx (J). For the transmitter to utilize the full channel capacity, we now need

to find the optimum input power spectral density (PSD) Sx (j) that can further maximize the

integral capacity

J oo log

[1 +

IH (j) 1 2 Sx (f) ]



Sn if)

To do so, we have noted that it would not be fair to consider arbitrary input PSD Sx (f) because

different power spectral densities may lead to different values of total input power. Given two

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