B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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order the chef's recipe. All the ingredients are purchased locally and the cooking is also done

locally. The Alaskan family can satisfy their gourmet craving without receiving a single food

item form New York! Clearly, the last scenario captures the idea of model-based vocoders.

LPC vocoders essentially deliver the recipe (i.e., the LPC parameters) for voice synthesis at

the receiver end.

Practical High-Quality LP Vocoders

The simple dual-state LPC synthesis of Fig. 6.35 describes no more than the basic idea behind

model-based voice codecs. The quality of LP vocoders has been greatly improved by a number

of more elaborate codecs in practice. By adding a few bits, these LP-based vocoders attempt

to improve the speech quality in two ways: by encoding the residual prediction error and by

enhancing the excitation signal.

The most successful methods belong to the class known as code-excited linear prediction

(CELP) vocoders. CELP vocoders use a codebook, a table of typical LP error (or residue)

signals, which is set up a priori by designers. At the transmitter, the analyzer compares the

actual prediction residue to all the entries in the codebook, chooses the entry that is the closest

match, and just adds the address (code) for that entry to the bits for transmission. The synthesizer

receives this code, retrieves the corresponding residue from the codebook, and uses it to modify

the synthesizing output. For CELP to work well, the codebook must be big enough, requiring

more transmission bits. The FS-1016 vocoder is an improvement over FS-1015 and provides

good quality, natural-sounding speech at 4.8 kbit/s. 25 More modern variants include the RPE­

LTP (regular pulse excitation, long-term prediction) LPC codec used in GSM cellular systems,

the algebraic CELP (ACELP), the relaxed CELP (RCELP), the Qualcomm CELP (QCELP)

in CDMA cellular phones, and vector-sum excited linear prediction (VSELP). Their data rates

range from as low as 1.2 kbit/s to 13 kbit/s (full-rate GSM). These vocoders form the basis of

many modern cellular vocoders, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and other ITU-T G-series


Video Compression

For video and television to go digital we face a tremendous the challenge. Because of the high

video bandwidth (approximately 4.2 MHz), use of direct sampling and quantization leads to

an uncompressed digital video signal of roughly 150 Mbit/s. Thus, the modest compression

afforded by techniques such as ADPCM and subband coding 26 • 27 is insufficient. The key to

video compression, as it turns out, has to do with human visual perception.

A great deal of research and development has resulted in methods to drastically reduce the

digital bandwidth required for video transmission. Early compression techniques compressed

video signals to approximately 45 Mbit/s (DS3). For the emerging video delivery technologies

of HFC, ADSL, HDTV, and so on, however, much greater compression was required.

MPEG approached this problem and developed new compression techniques, which provide

network or VCR quality video at much greater levels of compression. MPEG is a joint effort

of the International Standards Organizations (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Committee

(IEC), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3L3 Committee. 28 • 29

MPEG has a very informative website that provides extensive information on MPEG and JPEG

technologies and standards (http://www.mpeg.org/index.html/). MPEG also has an industrial

forum promoting the organization's products (http://www.m4if.org/).

The concept of digital video compression is based on the fact that, on the average, a

relatively small number of pixels change from frame to frame. Hence, if only the changes

are transmitted, the transmission bandwidth can be reduced significantly. Digitizing allows

the noise-free recovery of analog signals and improves the picture quality at the receiver.

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