B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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10.1 Optimum Linear Detector for Binary Polar Signaling 507

Figure 10.1

Typical binary

polar signaling

and linear


±_p(t) + n(t)

H (f)






t -


t -

noisy, channel, the received signal waveform is

y(t) = ± p(t) + n(t)

where n(t) is a Gaussian channel noise.

10.1 .1 Binary Threshold Detection

0:::: t :S To


Given the received waveform of Eq. (10.1), the binary receiver must decide whether the

transmission was originally a 1 or a 0. Thus, the received signal y(t) must be processed to

produce a decision variable for each symbol. The linear receiver for binary signaling, as

shown in Fig. IO.la, has a general architecture that can be optimum (to be shown later in

Section 10.6). Given the receiver filter H (J) or h(t), its output signal for O :::: t ::: To is simply

y(t) = ± p(t) * h(t) + n(t) * h(t) = ± p 0 (t) + n 0 (t)


.___., .___.,

Po (t) no(t)

The decision variable of this linear binary receiver is the sample of the receiver filter output

at t = tm :

Based on the properties of Gaussian variables in Section 8.6,

n 0 (t) = lo


n(r)h(t - r) dr

is Gaussian with zero mean so long as n(t) is a zero mean Gaussian noise. If we define


A p

= Po (tm)

a; = E{n 0 (t m ) 2 }



then this binary detection problem is exactly the same as the threshold detection of

Example 8.16. We have shown in Example 8.16 that, if the binary data are equally likely

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