B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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3.6 Signal Distortion Over a Communication Channel 99

This filter has ideal phase and nonideal magnitude characteristics. Because g(t) {:>

G(f), y(t) {=> Y (j) and

Y (f) = G(j)H (j)

= G(j) • IT ( {B ) (1 + k cos 2nfl')e- j 2 nftd

= G(j)e - j 2 nfid

+ kl G(j) cos 2njT] e - ihft d (3.62)

Note that in the derivation of Eq. (3.62) because g(t) is band-limited to B Hz, we have

G(j) · IT ( {B) = G(j). Then, by using the time-shifting property and Eq. (3.32a), we



y(t) = g(t - ta) + Lg(t - ta - T) + g(t - tc1 + T)] (3.63)


The output is actually g(t) + (k/2)[g(t - T) + g(t + T)] delayed by ta . It consists of g (t)

and its echoes shifted by ±ta . The dispersion of the pulse caused by its echoes is evident

from Fig. 3.29c. Ideal amplitude but nonideal phase response of H (j) has a similar effect

(see Prob. 3.6-1).

3.6.2 Distortion Caused by Channel Nonlinearities

Until now we have considered the channel to be linear. This approximation is valid only

for small signals. For large signal amplitudes, nonlinearities cannot be ignored. A general

discussion of nonlinear systems is beyond our scope. Here we shall consider a simple case

of a memoryless nonlinear channel where the input g and the output y are related by some

(memoryless) nonlinear equation,

y =f(g)

The right-hand side of this equation can be expanded in a Maclaurin series as

2 . 3 . k

y(t) = ao + a1g(t) + a2g (t) + a3g (t) + · · · + akg (t) + · · ·

Recall the result in Sec. 3.3.6 (convolution) that if the bandwidth of g(t) is B Hz, then the

bandwidth of g k (t) is kB Hz. Hence, the bandwidth of y(t) is greater than kB Hz. Consequently,

the output spectrum spreads well beyond the input spectrum, and the output signal contains

new frequency components not contained in the input signal. In broadcast communication, we

need to amplify signals at very high power levels, where high-efficiency ( class C) amplifiers are

desirable. Unfortunately, these amplifiers are nonlinear, and they cause distortion when used

to amplify signals. This is one of the serious problems in AM signals. However, FM signals

are not affected by nonlinear distortion, as shown in Chapter 5. If a signal is transmitted over

a nonlinear channel, the nonlinearity not only distorts the signal but also causes interference

with other signals on the channel because of its spectral dispersion (spreading).

For digital communication systems, the nonlinear distortion effect is in contrast to the

time dispersion effect due to linear distortion. Linear distortion causes interference among

signals within the same channel, whereas spectral dispersion due to nonlinear distortion causes

interference among signals using different frequency channels.

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