B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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References 865

rig_l= (l+sign ( xig_n) )/2;

r=reshape (rig_l ,7,Ll) ';

x=mod (r*H' , 2) ;

for kl=l :Ll,

for k2=1 :K2,

if Syndrome (k2, :)==x (kl, :),

idxe=k2 ;



error=E ( idxe , : ) ;

cword=xor (r(kl, :),error) ;

sigcw( :,kl)=cword(l:4) ;


cw=reshape (sigcw, 1,K) ;

BER_coded (ii) =sum ( abs (cw-sig_b ) )/K;

%Hard decisions

%S/P to form 7 bit codewords

% generate error syndromes

%find the Syndrome index

%look up the error pattern

%error correction

%keep the message bits

% Coded BER on info bits

% Uncoded Simulation Without Hamming code

xig_3 =2*sig_b- 1;

% Polar signaling

xig_m=sqrt (SNR) *xig_3 +AWnoise2 ;

% Add AWGN and adj ust SNR

rig_l= (l+sign ( xig_m) )/2;

% Hard decision

BER_uncode (ii) =sum(abs ( rig_l-sig_b) ) /K; % Compute BER


EboverN= [l:14] -3 ; % Need to note that SNR = 2 Eb/N

Naturally, when the E b / JV is low, there tends to be more than 1 error bit per codeword. Thus, when

there is more than 1 bit error, the decoder will still consider the codeword to be corrupted by only 1 bit

error. Its attempt to correct 1-bit error may in fact add an error bit. When the E b / N is high, it is more

likely that a codeword has at most 1 bit error. This explains why the coded BER is worse at lower E b / N

and better at higher E b / N. On other other hand, Fig. 14.3 gives an optimistic approximation by assuming

a cognitive decoder that will take no action when the number of bit errors in each codeword exceeds 1.

Its performance is marginally better at low E b / N ratio.


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