B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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12.2 Receiver Channel Equalization 673

Generally, there are two approaches to the problem of channel input recovery (i.e., equalization)

under ISi channels. The first approach is to determine the optimum receiver based

on channel and noise models. This approach leads to maximum likelihood sequence estimation

(MLSE), which is computationally demanding. A low-cost alternative is to design filters

known as channel equalizers to compensate for the channel distortion. In what follows, we

first describe the essence of the MLSE method for symbol recovery. By illustrating its typically

high computational complexity, we provide the necessary motivation for the subsequent

discussions on various complexity channel equalizers.

12.2.2 Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation (MLSE)

The receiver output samples {z[n] } depend on the unknown input QAM symbols {sn} according

to the relationship of Eq. (12. 17). The optimum (MAP) detection of {s n ) from {z[n] } requires

the maximization of joint conditional probability [Eq. (10.81 )] :

max p( ..., S n- I , S n , S n+I, ..· 1 ·.., z[n - l] , z[n], z[n + 1], ...)



Unlike the optimum symbol-by-symbol detection for A WGN channels derived and analyzed

in Sec. 10.6, the interdependent relationship in Eq. (12.17) means that the optimum receiver

must detect the entire sequence {sn} from a sequence of received signal samples {z[n] }.

To simplify this optimum receiver, we first note that in most communication systems and

applications, each QAM symbol S n is randomly selected from its constellation A with equal

probability. Thus, the MAP detector can be translated into a maximum likelihood sequence

estimation (MLSE):

max p ( . .. , z[n - l] , z[n], z[n + I ] . .. · 1 · .. , S n- I , S n , Sn+! , ... )

Is,, J


If the original channel noise ne (t) is white Gaussian, then the discrete noise w[n] is also

Gaussian because Eq. (12.16) shows that w(t) is filtered output of ne(t). In fact, we can define

the power spectral density of the white noise n,Jt) as


Sne if) = 2

Then the power spectral density of the filtered noise w (t) is

Sw if) = IP(J) l 2 Sne if) = : IP (J) l 2 ( 12.20)

From this information, we can observe that the autocorrelation function between the noise

samples is

R w [i] = w[i + n]w* [n]

= w(eT + nT)w* (nT)

= L: Sw (f)e-j2rrf CT df

= N oo


IP(J) l 2 e - j2rrf CT df


- oo (12.21)

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