B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Offset QPSK (OQPSK), 645

On-off keying (OOK), 373

On-off signaling, 327, 337-339, 518-519

Optimum delay, 681

Optimum filter, 483---486

Optimum linear precoder, 789

Optimum linear receiver analysis, 512-516

Optimum MUD receiver, 639

Optimum power distribution, 704

Optimum power loading

in OFDM/DMT, 780

water-pouring interpretation of,


Optimum preemphasis-deemphasis systems,


Optimum receiver

filter, 508-512

for white Gaussian noise channels, 536

Optimum threshold, 513-515

Orthogonal frequency division modulation


channel equalization and, 669, 701-702

channel noise, 698-700

cyclic prefix redundancy in, 701

principles of, 692-698

real-life applications of, 707-711

zero-padded, 700-701


complex signal space and, 32-33

of exponential signal set, 874

of trigonometric signal set, 873

Orthogonal signaling, 519-520, 562-564,


bandwidth and power trade-offs of M -ary,


energy of sum of, 34

Orthogonal signal sets, 36-39

Orthogonal signal space, 38-39

Orthogonal vectors, 30, 526-527

Orthogonal vector space, 36-38

Orthonormal basis set, 38, 529-530

Orthonormal vectors, 527

Outcomes, 394

Output transducer, 3

Overhead bits, 285

Paley-Wiener criterion, 96, 259

Parity check digits, 806

Parity check matrix, 808

Parseval's theorem, 39, 103-104

in Fourier series, 46

Partial reflection coefficients (PARCOR),


Partial response signaling, 350-351

Perfect code, 804

Periodic signals, 24-25

Phase coherent (in phase) lock, 178

Phase delay, 94n

Phase-locked loop (PLL), 172, 173-181,


basic operation, 17 4-17 5

first-order loop analysis, 177-178

hold-in (lock) range, 178

phase coherent (in phase) lock, 178

pull-in (capture) range, 1 78

small-error analysis, 175-177

Phase modulation (PM), 11, 204, 213-214

and frequency modulation, relationship

between, 205-206

narrowband (NBPM), 210

Phase shift keying (PSK), 208, 373

binary (BPSK), 520-521

detection, 378

differential (DPSK), 378-380

differentially coherent, 587-589

and QAM modulation, connection

between, 376-377

Phase shift method, 163

Piconet, 621

Plain-old-telephone-service (POTS), 707

Plesiochronous digital hierarchy, 288-290

Polar signaling, 334-336, 516-518


of angle modulated wave, 206-209

control, 636-637

VS. MUD, 647

loading, 704

signal, 25, 111-118

Power spectral density (PSD), 111-112,

330-334, 465, 486

of amplitude shift keying, 374-376

constructing de null in, 336-337

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