B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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13.8 Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Communication Systems 783

As a result, we can use the result of Eq. (13.94) to obtain


max l(x, y) = max H (y) - 2 [N • log 2 (2;re) + log det (C w ))

(1 3.99a)

1 1

= 2

[N - log 2 (2ne) + log det (C y

)) - 2 [N • log 2 (2;re) + log det (C w ))


= 2

[log det (Cy) - log det (Cw)]


= [1og det (Cy · c; 1 )]

( 1 3.99c)

Since the channel input x is independent of the noise vector w, we have

C y

= Cov(y, y) = H · C x H T + C w

Thus, the capacity of the channel per vector transmission is

C s = max l(x, y)


= log det (lN +HC x H T C; 1 )


Given a symmetric low-pass channel with B Hz bandwidth, 2B samples of x can be

transmitted to yield provide channel capacity of

C(H) = Blog det (r +HC x H T C; 1 )

= Blog det (r + C x H T C; 1 H) (13.101)

where we have invoked the equality that for matrices A and B of appropriate dimensions,

det (/ + A • B) = det (/ + B • A). We clearly can see from Eq. (13.101 ) that the channel

capacity depends on the covariance matrix Cx of the Gaussian input signal vector. This result

shows that, given the knowledge of the MIMO channel (H T c;, 1 H) at the transmitter, an

optimum input signal can be determined by designing Cx to maximize the overall channel

capacity C(H).

We now are left with two scenarios to consider: (1) MIMO transmitters without the

MIMO channel knowledge and (2) MIMO transmitters with channel knowledge that allows

C x to be optimized. We shall discuss the MIMO channel capacity in these two separate


13. 8.2 Transmitter without Channel Knowledge

For transmitters without channel knowledge, the input covariance matrix C x should be chosen

without showing any preference. As a result, the default C x = a}I should be selected. In this

case, the MIMO system capacity is simply

(1 3.102)

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